SPWA Ramer TN. Results Dec 21st 2013

Here it is the weekend before Christmas and of course we had to have the man of the hour in our house for the night, Yes that is right we had the the famous one himself there: Santa!!! Santa was there and taking pictures with kids and big kids alike and even though the storms raged outside we had an awesome crowd and they were ready for some great wrestling action and we did not let them down.

To start the evening off our Champion Allen Stone came out to the ring and welcomed all the fans, then he began explaining how he felt he was wrong about Gilbert espically after last weekend when he was certain Gilbert was gonna choose Allens belt for his Championship match but instead chose Grymes, then in the match with Grymes later that night Allen was getting beatdown by the whole group..when Gilbert came out with a chair and ran them out then helped Allen up even shook his hand. Now Alllen and eveyone else is questioning how they are feeling about Gilbert.

After this Allen called out the big man himself..Santa and he came out to the ring bringing some toys and candy and while he was passing these out, Out comes Grady and company to the ring and start pushing poor old Santa around knocking him down and Grady taking his bag of toys and stomping them to pieces. They just kept on pushing Santa and slapping him and Allen stepped in and they started on him full force and the beatdown was on... When all of a sudden from out of the back out came Michael Gilbert swinging a bat!!! Gilbert hit the ring and was swinging hard for anyone in his line of fire but they soon all cleared the ring trying to save their heads from being used as baseballs.
Gilbert told them all that he was sick of them and their games and he wasnt taking it anymore and they better keep watch cause you never know where he will show up and that tonight they were gonna have a tag match with him and Allen vs Grymes and Cyrus and if they knew what was good for them they had better get to steppin cause he knew how to use that bat and he had no problem showing them. So that is what they did, they left and once again Allen and Gilbert standing in the ring one on one and they looked at each other and again shook hands.

Results 12-21-2013

1. Royal Rumble-Last two in the ring would take the Tag Team Belts
Contestants were: AC Styles, Cyrus, Triple J, Geno, Alex, John Daniels, Johnny Morton, Jon Welch.
When all the bodies had been thrown and tossed and pushed out of the ring the last two standing were: Johnny Morton and Geno.
What in the world we have a stuck up know it all and a loveable crowd favorite as Tag Team Champs??? I dont know how this is gonna work and Geno started off on the wrong foot he grabbed both belts not even acknowledging his new partner. Johnny told him thats alright because you didnt really see whats happening later tonight have you son?? we have a match with each other and I am going to wear you out.

2. Jade vs BB
Again Jade is stil trying to work her way up to another title shot with Camille but as of this match still has not done so. This match started out great and both were going move for move but I guess Jade decided she had had enough and after BB was down she took a chair to her and busted her head open and laid her out, The referee declared this match a DQ. In closing Camille who was at ringside took the mic and told Jade this is why you wont get a shot because the only way you can win is to cheat!!!

3. Morton vs Geno
Now keep in mind this is our new Tag Team Champions here and this is already weird enough for everyone because these two together is like oil and water---it just don't mix. Geno came out again with both belts saying his partner was so old he fell asleep in the back so he just took it cause he deserved it more anyway. After Morton came out Geno told him if you beat me in this ring I might accept you as my partner...Morton just laughed in his face and it was on and let me say this it was a hard fought match, we saw some awesome submission moves from both wrestlers but in the end experience prevailed and Morton took the win and his belt and offered his hand shake to Geno who of course blew him off. This relationship is gonna be one for the books fans.

4. Lawdog w/ KD Kraze vs Triple J
Bill Welch wasted no time in taking control of this match and was seriously disappointed in his oppanant and his lack of ability, he kept asking "Is this the best you have??" so being so upset he just finished off the match got the win and left disgusted with the talent he faced.

5. Knockout Kidd vs Cyrus
Now here was a match that seemed out of place the huge towering Cyrus and Kidd, but I will tell you this Kidd came out with the agenda of winning this match and making a point and that is just what happened But while Cyrus had the whole gang with him Grymes and Grady and the Bodyguards...Noone noticed Gilbert as he slipped out and up behind one of the bodyguards and tapped him on the shoulder and just as he turned around a huge ball of fire lit up his face....Gilbert got himself a little revenge. and that laid way for Kidd to take down Cyrus and get the win.

6. AC Style w/ Kris and Harold vs Alex w/ Diana
After last week and everything that had been done to Alex and Diana everyone knew these to were out for some revenge and Alex hit that ring with nothing but revenge on his mind and he took it straight to AC and the match was really going in his favor when Kris decided to jump in and grab Alex by the hair and yank him off AC and start beating on him, Diana somehow got a hold of the kendo stick and got in the ring and took it to Kris but AC got her and then AC took a chair to Alex and laid him out and Kris took that same chair and hit Diana not once but twice. This match was declared NO CONTEST!! and again this week one of them was carried out on a stretcher and this time it was Diana. I am feeling like there is going to be some serious retrabution from Alex and Diana and folks I am telling you now its gonna be painful and it aint gonna be pretty.

7. Allen Stone/Michael Gilbert vs Nick Grymes/Cyrus
Nick and Cyrus came out with their followers minus the one that was still a little red in the face....lol and looking just a little too cocky for their own good, Allen and Michael made their enterance to the crowds delight and you could tell this was the match everyone had been waiting to see. Gilbert started off the match against Cyrus and you could see in his eyes all the anger he had built up against his old friends and now he was getting the chance to get some of it out of his system. He made some hard hitting moves on Cyrus and he tagged out to Grymes who really didnt want to get in the ring but he did and he proceeded to get a little bit of that anger also, then Gilbert tagged in Allen and he went to work on Grymes who quickly tagged out to Cyrus and in a move where Allen threw him into the ropes in the process it also knocked Gilbert to the ground and dazed him long enough for Grady and the others to steal one of our security guards handcuffs and then handcuff Gilbert to the bottom rope. Leaving Allen all alone in the ring. As Michael struggled to get free asking the guard where the key was, they were beating on Allen just taking turns. Finally the guard finds a key a lets Gilbert loose but by this time the ref has ended the match as a No Contest and now the others are running scared. Michael gets in the ring and he is mad and he takes the mic and asks Allen if he is ok and then looks at Nick and said I tell you what I am ready for our match, January 4th, and its gonna be a CAGE match and my boy you wont be alone because I want Grady in that cage with you, and if he will and he looks at Allen I want this man, a man I know will do me right and count it 1,2,3, Allen Stone will you be the special referee?? and Allen said yes for you Michael yes I will.
Grymes and Grady just stood there with their mouths open and shaking their heads....this weekend is gonna be really interesting leading up to this cage match. I cant wait to see what is gonna happen.

Merry Christmas to all our SPWA Fans!!!!

Write up courtesy of Rena Carnagey

UCW Union City, TN Card announced for Sat Dec 28th at 8pm

This week in the UCW "Battle Zone" The Devils Rejects, who beat the Sons of the South last Saturday Night, have vowed to injure them and put them out of wrestling. The Vow of Southern Destruction has been heard and is not being ignored by the SOS. The card is full of great wrestling action. Come out and join us Sat Night Dec 28th 8pm 308 South First St. Union City, TN

WOWF Newbern, TN. Announces Brian Christopher to appear Sat Night Dec 28th

Former WWE and Memphis Superstar Grandmaster Sexy Brian Christopher will be making his way to the WOWF Newbern, TN this Saturday Night Dec 28th 8pm. No increase in prices and the night is full of unknowns with what occurred last Saturday night at the hands of Jeff O'Dell and his crew of assassins. What will happen this week? You will have to come out and see for yourself... Will Brian be there to make things better and help Ricky Hayes or is he coming in to make things much, much worse???

WOWF Newbern, TN. Saturday Dec 21st. What will Happen Next??

WOWF Newbern TN. has experienced what best could be described as a Hostile Takeover. Saturday Night Dec 21st 2013 will be a day long remembered by Owner of the company Ricky Hayes. The following link supplied below will direct you to the full video of what happened.  It is unedited and pulls no punches. What else will Ricky Hayes be able to endure from the likes of Jeff O'Dell and his crew of assassins?


SPW Selmer, TN Card for Saturday Dec 28th

Southern Premier Wrestling presents SPW 36: It's the End of the Year As We Know It! Live! From the Selmer National Guard Armory in Selmer, Tennessee on Saturday, December 28, 2013! Tickets are still only $5 with Kids 6 and Under FREE! Doors open at 6:30 PM, and Bell Time at 8:00 PM!

Matches Include:

Main Event!!...
SPW Heavyweight Championship Match
SPW Heavyweight Champion "Psycho Butcher" Andrew Palmer defends against Shawn Reed

Intergender Tag Team Match
"Magnificent" Reno Diamond and Katelynn Pryde w/Michael Ward versus Cory Daniels and Anita Paige

SPW West Tennessee Championship Match
SPW West Tennessee Champion "Lethal Steven Davis defends against "Drop Dead" Dale Wylde

SPW Tag Team Championship Match
Best 2 Out of 3 Falls
SPW Tag Team Champions Christian Shane and "Big" Mic Vicious defend against Austin Carrier and Fleur de Lethal

Also featuring:
Jeremy Flynt
Chrisjen Hayme
"Matty Ice" Matt Taylor
"The M.O.E." Moe Stegall

*Card Subject to Change* 

SPW, Selmer TN. Sat Dec 21st. Special appearence by Killer Nikels.

Killer Nikels (formerly NXT's Knuckles Madsen) made a surprise appearance this past weekend at SPW 35: 'Twas the FIGHT Before Christmas! This was Nikels' first wrestling appearance since being released by the WWE last week.... Nikels was victorious in his first SPW match, defeating Moe Stegall via pinfall. Southern Premier Wrestling was honored to be Nikels' first show back on the independent scene and we hope to see him back in the near future.

Courtesy of Kelly Blankenship


Jeff Jarrett RESIGNS from TNA Wrestling


Team Redneck defeated The Late Night Express (Ace Hawkins/Mephisto)
"The Wolf" Andrew Wilder defeated El En Fuego #6
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony defeated Derrick King
Jon Michael defeated "3G" Eric Wayne by DQ
Seth Knight defeated Brandon Espinosa to retain PWE Unified Championship

Derrick King came to the ring and said he didn't know how he was going to spend the money that he won in the $10,000 Royale Challenge but something else he won in the battle royal was a shot at The Unified Championship. DK said that he has been to enough wrestling shows to know how this works, that it was time for Seth Knight to come out but just then Greg Anthony's music hit. Greg told the history of himself and DK. How they once hated each other then became friends but had recently grown apart. Greg asked what happened. DK replied that TGB was an "ass". Greg said that he knew how to get DK in a better mood and ask him to sing a song together. Bon Jovi's "Wanted Dead or Alive" played and they both sang. They were having a good time and when the music stopped.. DK superkicked Greg in the face!

After those events PWE made a match between Greg Anthony and Derrick King. Both Jason Rage and Showtime got involved to try and help TGB attain victory. After taking a huge beating Derrick was able to mount some offense and hit Greg with the Superkick but while Showtime had the ref occupied and DK knocked Rage off the apron the Unified Champ Seth Knight came to the ring and hit The Sour Face Silencer allowing Greg Anthony to get the 1...2...3! After the match Greg, Rage

Eric Wayne came to the ring with a bullhorn telling the fans of Union City that Jon Michael may call himself the voice of truth but that he is the only voice they should listen to. Jon's arm was still injured after the vicious attack last week but he was determined to make Eric pay. The end of the match saw Eric Wayne stop the offense of Jon in a dastardly way and lock in a Fujiwar Key Lock like hold. Jon struggled to get to the rope but finally made it but Eric refused to release the hold and the ref had no choice but to disqualify him. Eric even keep the hold long after the bell. Eric was sent to the back and refs, security and officials were sent to help Jon Michael. Once Jon made it to his feet, he asked for the microphone. He said there is no way Eric Wayne will ever make him give up or quit, so he challenged Eric to a Submission match next week.

Brandon Espinosa made another valiant effort against the PWE Unified Heavyweight Champion "Dynamite" Seth Knight but in the end a distraction from Coach JP lead to Seth's victory. When Seth was celebrating, Derrick King came and returned the favor to Seth Knight by delivering a King Sized Superkick and laying the champion out cold just a week away from The Winter Classic!

Also January 3rd is the PWE Awards Show. Officials will recognize Wrestler of the Year, Tag Team of the Year, Rookie of the Year, Match of the Year and the "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton has been named the 1st Inductee into the PWE Hall of Champions! This night will include matches along with the awards festivities.

The Axeman Speaks December 23, 2013

The opinions expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Wrestling News Center, the Webmaster, or anyone else connected with this site. They are mine and mine alone.

Greetings, wrestling fans, and Merry Christmas one and all!

If you are wanting to read a politically correct column, stop here. I assure you that this column is far from politically correct. 

I promised you a Christmas column, so here it is. I must admit, however, that I am having somewhat of a difficult time getting into the Christmas spirit lately! All around us we see all kinds of holiday activities going on... parties, shopping, Santa, sports, and all the hoopla that goes with this time of year. But, where is the real reason we celebrate in the first place?

Perhaps you have heard the phrase, "war on Christmas" used at various times by different Christian organizations. Businesses are trying to eliminate all references to Christmas by saying "happy holidays" or "enjoy the winter break." That's sad, my friends. Everyone wants to be politically correct. They do not want to offend anyone by using the word, "Christmas." Well, here's a news flash for ya: I am offended by the elimination of the word, "Christmas."

There is more attention being given to the controversy surrounding Duck Dynasty and the A & E Network that to the reason for the season. How very, very sad!

But there are still some who will celebrate CHRISTmas. Check out this video:


Apparently, the US Air Force band has no problem with Christmas. I salute them! Or, check this one out: Not really a Christmas song, but it was sent to me by someone very dear to me and I want to share it with you:


So many people are missing Christmas! Oh, they won't miss the day, just the reason behind the celebration, Jesus Christ. 

It is easy to get wrapped up in all the celebration and forget why we are celebrating. So, here is a reminder:

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgement and with justice from henceforth and forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." - Isaiah 9:6-7

Please read the first two chapters of the book of Matthew, and the first two chapters of the book of Luke in the Bible if you need any additional reminders as to why we celebrate Christmas. In fact, please read it anyway.

This Christmas, please don't miss Christ. This Christmas, have fun, enjoy being around family and friends, enjoy the food, the festivities, the gifts, but please keep Jesus at the center of it all. We need him now more than ever before.

So, I wish all of you a very happy and peaceful and memorable Christmas. Please be safe, and please include Christ in your celebration.

The Axeman has spoken.


BANG New Years Eve in Ocala, FL

BANG will be at the Bang TV Soundstage in Ocala, FL, on December 31. Advertised: Jessica Hill defends the BANG Women’s Title against Cha-Cha Del Torres and Claudia Reiff in a three-way; Bryson Michaels & Hector Alicea defend the BANG Tag Team Title against Ryan Passmore & Rex Passmore; Moose McNamara vs. Shane Chung for the BANG US Title; and Dory Funk& Johnny Magnum & Moose McNamara & Jessica Hill vs. Shane Chung& Hector Alicea & Ryan Passmore & Hollywood Heather. Bell time is at 7:00 PM.

Credit: Xack Tate @ http://gwhnewsandnotes.blogspot.com/

TNA Press Release: Chavo gone from TNA

TNA issued the following press release Friday:


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Dec. 20, 2013) – During the highly-anticipated "Feast or Fired" segment on IMPACT WRESTLING last night it was revealed Chavo Guerrero, of the legendary Guerrero family, will no longer be a member of the TNA roster.

"Chavo has represented his family's name with honor and dignity during his time at TNA," said Executive Vice President John Gaburick. "We thank Chavo for his contributions to TNA and wish him well."

"With so many other endeavors in my life, this separation will allow me to focus on these and future opportunities," said Guerrero. "I have nothing but good things to say about TNA and President Dixie Carter, and I want the absolute best for them. I look forward to watching 'Impact Wrestling's' continued success, dedicating my time to the opportunities that have been presented and attacking new ventures in 'Guerrero Style.' Viva La Raza!"

AJ Styles adds more indy bookings to his schedule

AJ Styles continues to add on more independent wrestling dates as he continues negotiations with TNA. Styles was reportedly offered in the range of $200,000 per year to remain with the company according to a report by Dave Meltzer. It was estimated that he had been making in the range of $350,000 in 2013.

Bill Behrens, who officially represents Styles, issued this updated schedule.

December 28: Anarchy Wrestling Season’s Beatings Cornelia, GA www.anarchy-wrestling.net

January 19: Premier Wresting Xperience at Ziggy’s in Winston, Salem, NC http://pwxpro.com/new/
AJ vs Cedric Alexander

January 26: Smash Wrestling in Toronto, ON http://smash-wrestling.com/
AJ vs Chris Hero

February 1: Dreamwave Wrestling Chicago, IL http://www.dreamwavewrestling.com/
AJ v s Christian Rose

February 7: Deep Southern Championship Wrestling Blue Ridge, GA http://www.dscw.org/
AJ & Cody Roberts vs Corey Hollis & Shaun Tempers

February 8: CZW 15th Anniversary Voorhees, NJ http://www.czwrestling.com/

February 15: House of Glory Ridgewood, NY http://houseofgloryonline.com/
AJ & Amazing Red vs Young Bucks

March 1: Preston City Wrestling UK http://www.prestoncitywrestling.com/home
AJ vs Lionheart

March 14: 2CW Binghamton, NY www.2CWWrestling.com
AJ vs. Eddie Edwards

March 15: UWE Harrisburg, PA http://theuwe.com/
AJ vs AR Fox

April 26: Remix Pro Marietta, OH http://remixmain.weebly.com/
AJ vs Facade

Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter via wrestleview.com

UCW Union City, TN Results for Saturday Night Dec 21st

Saturday Night Dec 21st2013 at the UCW “Battle Zone” can only be described as a travesty of justice. The Powers that be, Mr. Biro and Jay Moore, made sure that things went the way they wanted, not the way they should. Titles that should have changed hands did not and wins became losses just as quick. This is becoming more of a regularity than it should. I can not say when, or if, this style of management will ever change. I do know that it has changed UCW, and we will have to make due until the Status Quo is altered.

Results from Saturday Night:

Match 1- Bruce “The Maniac” MacGowan Vs Chris “Bad Boy” Bradley. Chris is an accomplished competitor with a set of skills matched by few. He has been inactive lately in UCW and was ready for battle tonight. Bruce MacGowan is part of the “Dirty Lil Gang” and he lives up to that name. “Dirty” is not a look, it is a “Style”. That is how Bruce wrestles, Dirty. Tonight the two put on a hard hitting exhibition that set the stage for the rest of the evening. Chris gave as good as he got but was taken down by Bruce with a devastating Thigh to the face followed by a lethal clothesline. Bruce gains the win.

Match 2- US Title Rematch. Champion “ Southern Perfection” Gaylon Ray w/ Jay Moore Vs Zach O'Brien. This match was set last week after Zach won the match but had the decision reversed by Jay Moore, acting as the New Commissioner. Zach was ready, but Gaylon proved why he is the US Champion. Gaylon put a beating to Zach and busted Zach open with hard fists to the head. Gaylon even used a chain to gain further advantage. Zach fought through the pain and was able to hit Gaylon with his version of the “Sour Face Silencer”. As Zach went for the cover, Jay Moore threw in the chain, Gaylon had used, right beside Gaylon's foot. It made it appear as if Zach had knocked Gaylon out with the chain. This confused the referee and he was confronted by Jay Moore. Jay used his commissioner authority to intimidate the referee and the referee changed his original decision from the three count and awarded Gaylon the win. As Zach was distracted Gaylon delivered a super kick to Zach's jaw knocking him unconscious, adding insult to injury.

Match 3- “Who is the Better Man Match” Braykin Bones w/ Jay Moore Vs Anton “ Mr Everything” Leveigh. Jay Moore used his commissioner authority to change the stipulations in this match, to a no holds barred, falls count anywhere, no D.Q. Both competitors did not seem phased by this news and actually seemed to agree with them. Bones is a young Wrestler that feels he has to prove his Grit. Anton is a 9 year vet and just enjoys the challenge of beating an opponent. Tonight would be a measure of both men. They held nothing back and battled in and out of the ring. Through the crowd, on the entrance ramp and back into the ring. In displays of technical ability, to high flying maneuvers, the crowd was treated to what could have been a candidate for match of the year if the voting was still available. The shear desire to prove who was the best shined through in this match and in the final moments Anton hit Bones with “The Border Destroyer” and was about to gain the three count. Bones's partner Bruce MacGowan made the save right as the referee was about to count three. With the save, Bruce loaded his right hand with a set of metal knuckles and blasted Anton, knocking him out. Bruce then placed Bones on top of Anton for the three count. This had all been legal as there was a no DQ stipulation.

Match 4- UCW Tag Team Championship match. Champions The Sons of the South Vs The Devils Rejects and Jay Moore. This feud has been brewing since the Rejects made their way back to UCW a few weeks ago. The evil that is 187 guides his minions 666 and 911 in his ways of pain. He along with their benefactor, Jay Moore, had promised the Rejects would stop at nothing to defeat the SOS. They held true to their threats and put a beating on the SOS. But the SOS are competitors and are not held back by threats. In an impressive display of offense, using arm drags, hip tosses and even a standing Moonsault by BB. This was however short lived as Jay Moore distracted the referee long enough for 666 to wrap the large log chain, he wears around his neck, to his left fist. 666 lambasted BB in the face and was able to gain the 1...2...3... for the win. New Tag Team Champions, The Devils Rejects.

Match 5- UCW Heavyweight Championship match. Champion Houston W/ Jay Moore Vs “Sexy” Sarge O'Riley. The stipulation set for the match was for Sarge to have one hand tied behind his back while wrestling the Champion. Houston, or as he is known now H. Watson tore into Sarge immediately taking advantage of Sarge's tied hand. Even though he was not 100% Sarge was able to fight off Houston with effectiveness of throwing a stiff left hand. Houston was reeling but Jay Moore assisted and was able to get Houston the advantage. Houston loaded up his final Kick and went for Sarge's face with a vengeance. Sarge ducked the Kick, and as Houston's leg passed over Sarge's head, Sarge freed his tied hand and caught Houston and delivered The “PSB” Porn Star Bomb. Sarge held Houston as the Referee counted three. Sarge was declared the winner. Jay Moore, however, had different plans. He told the referee, since Sarge did not have his hand tied at the time of the three count, the win did not count. Since Jay Moore is the Commissioner, his decision stands. Mr. Biro made his way to the ring and distracted Sarge as he confirmed Jay's decision. Sarge turned his back on Jay Moore and paid the price. Jay picked up the Championship Belt and waylaid Sarge in the back of the head. What came next was unthinkable. Houston and Jay Moore drug Sarge's helpless body to the corner of the ring. They then grabbed Sarge's legs and pulled him into the Post not just once, but twice. Sarge was left writhing in pain. Mr. Biro, then ordered Jay Moore to give Houston a chair, to finish off Sarge. Houston was unable to comply with Mr. Biro's orders as Sarge's friends came to the ring to stop this carnage. Houston retains the Title on less than honorable terms.

Derrick O'Dell Wrestling News Center