The old saying if you can't do it, teach. Now adds, if you can't teach, write.

I am sitting here thinking about how great it would be to get in the ring again and do what I believed was my life's calling at one point. My age will not allow it now and either will my wife, but that is another story. What did I know at the time while I was wrestling? I knew I did not know the craft totally, I was a green kid. I was doing pretty well and my style was that of the day. I felt I could make it as many do, but alas I was not totally committed and my life changed and morphed into what I do now as a profession. I can not do, I can not teach so I will write...

I ask myself, why did I give up? I  was in the USWA at the time, and maybe my dream of this being a profession would come to pass? Was it the money?, I would like to say yes, but it was not. Honestly it probably was the commitment to paying the dues that was about to be asked of me. Yes, I would have had to claw and scratch out a living, but if I persisted, what would I have been? Then there were nagging injuries. The Boys who surpassed me in their commitment, scoff at this excuse. You fight through it for what you love.  So it was the commitment to the sport that I faltered on. A case now of Would have, Should have, who knows?

This is why I can look at a lot of the Independent wrestler's now and have respect for what they do. Would they like it to be for the fame? Sure. Would they like it to be for the money? Yes. Most do it for the dream to one day make it to the top. Then let's ask ourselves, what is the definition of the "The Top". Is it TNA?, Is it WWE? Is it the top of the Independent organizations you work for, and the respect of your peers? Some will say that only two questions and answers are correct. The third question is often overlooked. I have learned that a lot of the boys do it for the respect and the brotherhood that they form by being a part of this sport. They go in to it knowing they are not on a million dollar salary, with an endorsement and merchandise deal. But they put their hearts into it like they are. They are also asked by the promoters to give the loyalty of a contract and by the fans to stay loyal to a local brand. This inevitably ties some of the boys down to one location and their priorities change. They lose the dream of the WWE and TNA, for the reality of the local events and grind they put themselves through for the love of the sport and the fans.

Why would you do things like you do to yourself, for just a small amount of pay? That is a question that is often asked of an Independent Wrestler. For those that have been asked this question, feel free to chime in.. "It is because I love this business" is the answer 99 percent of the time. The person asking does not know what to say and politely says Ok and walks away. But, this is why most do it. The love of the adrenaline pump you get when you do something so spectacular that you hear the loud cheers, of jeers of the crowd. Truthfully this is intoxicating, and draws more men to stay in the ring longer than they actually need to.

Some will call you a weekend warrior. Some will call you an idiot for doing this for so long and only making it to the Independent level and no further. I will call you an individual that laces up his or her boots and puts your heart into something you feel passionate about, in the unending search for your next "Wrestling" fix...

I have the utmost respect for you all. Stay Safe this weekend and every day that you are in the ring. Enjoy the experiences, they do not last forever. Hone your craft until you are a ring general and are looked up to like you looked up to those before you. Teach the younger Generation the Respect for the business and the traditions, so that they can be passed on. Lose the focus on you and put the focus on the Event and why you are there... WRESTLING.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center.

Come out and enjoy the UCW experience at 308 South First St. Union City, TN Every Saturday night at 8pm.