"The Wrestling Business is not what it used to be" Tim Davis annouces Retirement from Wrestling

If there is one thing that I have learned in my time in the World of Professional Wrestling, is that nothing is predicted or predetermined when it comes to relationships with people. I have been fortunate enough to make some great friends and like wise seen some lose friendships that had been established for years.

Friendships are fragile in any part of life. They can be made and lost on the simplest of things. This is a sad reality. You may ask, why am I writing this. Well I will just have to come out and say it. A good friend I have made in this business, is Tim Davis. Tim contacted me today and asked me to do him a favor. I was taken aback, as Tim has not asked me for anything when it comes to this business. Tim asked me to write an announcement for him. I asked him what kind of announcement? Tim responded, “I am Done, I want nothing to do with the wrestling business anymore.” Perplexed I asked him what he meant. Tim told me to please announce that he is “Retiring from the Wrestling Business.” He said that this is not a “work” and if he did not do it this way, with no one else knowing what he had decided, he would probably be back, and this announcement would mean nothing.

Tim then went into detail, why he was making his decision. Tim has been involved in what he calls “A lot of Drama” He said that he has lost many friendships over decisions that have been made by him in the recent months and that he regrets what has happened because of those decisions. Tim is a proud man and I have always found him to be straight in my dealings with him. Tim mentioned many of his friendships that have been challenged by what has been going on. Tim told me that he and Ricky Hayes have been friends for years and that everything that has been going on has stretched and broken that relationship. Tim said he hates that this has happened and if he knew what would happen when a wedge was driven between the two, he would have done things differently. The same goes for his friends Sarge Riley, Mike Dial, and Big Red. Tim is concerned that these friendships may have been damaged beyond repair and that the only way he knows to mend the fence (friendships), is to walk away from this business and hope that this stops all of the “Drama” that has surrounded him in the past months.

Tim began to tell me some things I knew and some things I did not know. He has been in the wrestling business in some way since 1997. He has wrestled, announced, booked and promoted. He has given lots of hours away from his family working on his wrestling businesses and has logged countless late nights working to promote his Events. Tim explained that wrestling is an ego driven business. People have a vision of what they want and how they want to get there. Tim explained that is what happened between Ricky Hayes and himself in their partnership. He told me he had a different view of how he wanted to do things than Ricky did and that led to him being bought out by Ricky. Tim said he went on to other wrestling endeavors to have fun. He said back in the day that is why he promoted. He said it wasn't to get rich, as most times he has only broke even, but it was to have fun and do what he loved to do. Tim has lost that fun and is finding it hard to continue in the business. He has lost friends due to the stresses that have been ongoing in the business. He has regretted every loss. Tim has described all of the friends he has made in the wrestling business as second family. When you lose a family member you lose a piece of yourself. If they brought joy to you, you lose that joy. If they brought stress to you, you lose that stress, but miss them all the same. Tim could not explain why some of the friendships have been lost, other than to say it was a price of doing business. “People have taken sides to what has been going on. It is not who is right or who is wrong anymore, this has just gotten out of hand.” “If me leaving will eliminate the drama, then I am glad to be going, because I don't want it in my life anymore.” If at anytime wrestling became fun again I would get back to it in a minute, but I don't see that happening.”

Tim wanted to say thank you to all of his fans and friends that have made the wrestling business fun for him. Tim does not want to leave without people knowing that, those that have been friends and now see themselves as not being friends, he hopes sometime they can get to together and have a coffee and work things out.

Tim's main hope for the area business is that the “Drama” stops, and people can just have fun again. He wants to see everyone succeed and believes they can even while both are operating. He would love to see “The Boys” be able to work where they want and when. They are in it for the fun and for the money. If they can make pay from two local places then all the better for them. He wishes for those that carry this “Drama” with them all day and even when they lay their heads down to be able to free themselves from it and move on with their lives in peace. Tim wanted to express to his family that he let wrestling be his sole focus in life and that he is now changing that focus to them to make their lives better. Tim said he has completed all of his bookings and says he can be done without regret.

I had asked Tim many times in the past few months if he would like to give his side of what has been going on in West Tennessee wrestling. Each time he has politely declined and said he did not want things stirred up more than they have been. Until today Tim has not said he has not enjoyed himself, and he had the hopes that feelings would have changed. Unfortunately this has not been the case and things seem to have gotten worse as far as ill will between old friends. I am sorry That anyone has to deal with these type of things, but I believe Tim has made a decision that he feels is best for him and his family. I wish my friend nothing but the best and want him to know that I am only a phone call away.

Derrick O'Dell

Wrestling News Center