"3G" Eric Wayne defeated "Zesty" Zakk Sawyers via pinfall with Death Valley Driver
Dalton Diamond defeated Tony Flood via pinfall after Flatliner
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony/Officer Jason Rage defeated Bushwhacker Luke/"Farmer" Billy Hills when Rage pinned Luke to retain PWE Tag Team Championships
"Dynamite" Seth Knight defeated Jon Michael to become the new PWE Unified Heavyweight Champion.
Derrick King won the $10,000 Royale Challenge by eliminating Jon Omari.

Bushwhacker Luke has over 40 years of experience in pro wrestling and he used that knowledge to give the tag team champions a run for their money is this tag team contest. Luke and Billy Hills made a very good and fun tag team. Luke hit a Stone Cold Stunner on Jason Rage but was distracted by Greg Anthony. Luke have Golden Boy knockout right hand, knocking him off the apron. This allowed just enough time for "Showtime" Daniel Thomas to slide Jason Rage his Nightstick and when Luke turned around Officer Rage knocked out the WWE Legend and pinned him for the 1..2..3!

The PWE Unified Championship is the most sought after prize in PWE. What will men do to become champion? Seth Knight a few months ago went on one of the worst losing streaks of his career. This losing streak can be contributed to Jason Peevyhouse who continually foiled Knight's attempts to cheat, at first as an announcer then even more so as a PWE Offical. After Knight complained about Peevyhouse, PWE gave Knight a new referee as he wanted. Knight then went on the biggest winning streak in his career defeated top notch talent left and right using only his talented skill set to do so and earning himself #1 Contender spot to Jon Michael's Unified Heavyweight Title but only under the condition that Jason Peevyhouse be the referee.

This match was a seesaw battle. Both men, back and forth on a roller-coaster ride for Union City fans. Everytime you thought one man had the advantage the other would turn the tables. Eventually, in the fast paced action, Jason Peevyhouse was knocked down in the corner. This allowed Seth Knight to go grab a steel chair but as he swung, Jon reversed into a crossface submission! Eric Wayne came down the ramp but was stopped by Peevyhouse, who had regained consciousness. As Jon Michael went for a splash in the corner Seth Knight held up the steel chair knocking both men out on the mat. When Peevyhouse turned around both men were motionless on the canvas. Jason Peevyhouse then rolled Seth Knight on top of Jon Michael and counted 1...2...3!!!! The fans were in shock as Peevyhouse helped the new Unified Champion to his feet and celebrated with him! PWE Fans I have no answers for this one. Neither Seth Knight nor Jason Peevyhouse will answer my calls. Hopefully Friday Night we will get answers to this miscarriage of justice.

In the main event, The $10,000 Royale Challenge was a sight to be seen. Battle Royals have been a grand attraction to pro wrestling for years and this night was no different. There was a mass of humanity in the ring at one time with no eliminations to that point when the next contestant came down the ramp. It was former PWE Unified Champion, Jon Michael, and he made a B Line for "3G" Eric Wayne. Jon Michael was getting the better of Eric but Jon was distracted for a moment that's when Eric eliminated Jon. Eric was taunting Jon from inside the ring when Zakk Sawyers eliminated Eric Wayne. Allowing Jon the continue his punishment on "3G". Eric ran to back but when Jon tried to go through the entrance he was met with the force of a steel chair. Knocked out by Eric Wayne.

"Showtime" Daniel Thomas even competed in the battle royal decked out head to toe in protective gear. He spend most of the time hiding under the bottom turnbuckle, latched on the the post. But when Sarah Summers made her surprise entrance into the battle royal Daniel thought he had finally got someone he could handle. He was dead wrong and he realized that when Sarah cleaned his clock and eliminated him to the delight of PWE fans. The final entrant was none other than Derrick King! Derrick came in like a house of fire eliminated several contestants. Chris Hayes eliminated the tag team champions, Greg Anthony and Jason Rage, all by himself but once Chris was eliminated the tag champs came back out to attack Hayes. They have gave him The Hart Attack on the steel ramp leaving Chris in severe pain. The last three men were Tony Flood, Jon Omari and Derrick King. After a few superkicks DK emerged $10,000 richer and as the $10,000 Royale Challenge.

Next week at PWE will be The Return, The Rematch, The Response and The Revenge.

The Return of The King
The Rematch of Seth Knight and Jon Michael
The Response of Jason Peevyhouse
The Revenge of the Tag Team Champions

Pro Wrestling Elite
Every Friday Night
Bell Time 8PM
@The Giant Flea Market
1700 W Reelfoot Ave
Union City, TN
$6 Tickets
5 and Under Free
Military with proper ID Free