A weekend says it all....

This was a great weekend to be a wrestling fan in Northwest Tn. There were plenty of opportunities to see legends, famous and infamous, as well as all of your Mid-South Independent talent. I was only able to attend my home Event this weekend, but the excitement that occurred here made me wonder how other events may have faired.

Then I was brought back to reality with life circumstances and decided to write this column, or Blog, if you will.  What I am about to discuss, happens every where and every now and again. People experience growing pains and find the need to move on. The decision is often hard to make and some times takes a catalyst to help them along their way. I have seen this in my "Shoot" job as well as this wonderful world of Pro Wrestling.

People often wonder why their favorite star leaves and goes on to other organizations. Promoters fight for the chance to get another area star, just to put a new spin on what they have been doing to reinvigorate a crowd. This is understandable, as this is also a business. It is hard to sometimes understand the timing on things such as this, but as with any other type of business, your focus can not be placed on one ideal, or person. If that is the case then your business model is short sighted and failure is only one step away.

I am not calling anyone out nor am I venting from being upset. I have just experienced things in my short return to this business. I have made many friends and I have to stay separate from some, due to distance as well as politics. It is hard not to upset someone if you go somewhere they do not like, or say something they don't think you should say. I have experienced those that could make their argument about this in a lucid manor and some that spout off because it is at the front of their mind and no thought has been put into it. This does not make a person evil forever, as it is only words that come out, even if they are hurtful, they can not kill you. They can however damage your spirit and moral, and that is why people allow words to effect them the way they do. Words are hard to take back, but at least you can try. Other things you do sometimes can not.

I do not know how this relates to all Wresting events but I have seen my share of it in the local 50 square miles that I call northwest Tennessee. With a little thought and a lot of effort, this area could be a mecca of Wrestling. We have the talent, we have the ability for crowds. We just at times don't have the direction or effort to do what is best for the Business.

Just my two cents on this is all. Thank you to all that read this to the end. Maybe someday we will all reach a common goal, but until then....

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center