SPWA Ramer Tn, Results from Nov 30th

We hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!! We are very happy that we had such a great crowd in the house last night, where the action was hot as always. Here are last nights results:

1. Triple J vs John Daniels Triple J was accompanied by Downtown Brown the little worm that the whole crowd just hates even looking at. The match started off great but of course Bruno had to ruin that. Triple J distracted the ref and Bruno went to work on John and wore him out slapping him choking, beating whatever he could and a weak John Daniels was thrown back in the ring but Triple J only got a 2 count. John tried making a comeback but it was ended quickly as Triple J finished John off with a pedigree for the win.

2. Jason Starr vs Alex Stone Jason made his return appearance tonight after being gone for awhile and he looked sharp and ready to take on Alex Stone. In the beginning these two seemed equally matched and Alex was putting everything he had into this match and you could tell it. Jason and Alex both had some great moves and both ended up getting a couple of 2 counts on each other, but it was the low blow Jasoon took on Alex that took the wind out of his sails and Jason was able to get the win.
We were then blessed with the appearance of Harold, AC Styles and Ms Kris Harold showed up carrying his "Kendo" stick which I personally think he is using to help his old butt walk and that is all cause we all know how decrepit he is and needs to go back to the old folks home and they need to stop giving him a day pass on Saturdays... but they proceeded to call out Diana seems they had some words for her, and from the look on her face as she took the stage she could care less what they had to say but her and Ms Kris exchanged some slurs and words and Diana was put on notice that she better watch her back. Diana unfazed left the stage with only one thing to say in the famous words of the SPWA crowd "AC SUCKS"

3. Jade vs BB Jade came to the ring looking really ticked off and Grady and Grymes were with her, she got in the ring and called Camille out. Camille came to the stage and Jade started her whining telling her that she cheated her out of her belt that it wasnt fair and she wanted a rematch. Camille calmly told her she wasnt cheated, she just lost and if she wanted a rematch she would have to work her way back up to the top to get it and she could start out with this star: and the music hit and out came the Mississippi Queen BB and the crowd went nuts and Jade's face froze....this was not looking good for Jade. These two women went move for move hit for hit and blow for blow both even executing submission moves and some great pins but only for 2 counts, Grady tried his best to get some cheating in on this match but being the Queen she is the more experienced BB took care of Jade and finished her off with a piledriver and got the pin...Sorry Jade!!!! Sweet BB celebrated her win with the crowd and even gave me a kiss on the cheek on the way out...Gotta love that girl!!! After the match Grady called out Gilbert, when Gilbert got to the ring Grady and Grymes told him they were sick of him, that it was his fault that Jade lost her belt and it was his fault they lost the tag team belts and they were not gonna stand for this anymore. Grady said he had solved the problem that he hired two men that would be "handing" situations for them from now on and out walked two very large gentleman that will be at ringside with them from now on. Grady then sent Gilbert to the back to get ready for his match and he told him he better not mess this one up!!

4. Cyrus/Justin vs Highly Explosive I have to admit our newest tag team made up of CT Jordan and Knockout Kidd look really impressive they truly compliment each other in their styles and it showed in this match. CT with his high flying kicks and crushing chops to the chest and Kidd with his submission moves and drop kicks made this match a great one to watch but with Grady and and Grymes still on the floor it made it hard for a fair match to happen, CT took the brunt of the heat and was kept from tagging his partner time after time while the other team were just making up their tags, Kidd had to keep breaking up the pins on a worn out CT. CT somehow managed a submission move on Justin and was able to get the tag as Kidd came in the ring, Justin got CT outside the ring and was bouncing his head off the wall while Cyrus with some Brass Kuncks took Kidd out and got the win.

5. Johnny Morton/John Welch vs Danny Daniels/Geno This match gave us our first look at a new wrestler John Welch and his was paired with the well known and well loved Johnny Morton. Morton started the match with Daniels and Geno jumped in trying to take advantage of this situation but the veteran Morton was not having it and instead of hitting Morton Geno hit his own partner making Daniels really mad. After Morton and his partner cleaned the ring his partner finally got his shot in the ring with Geno. John made quite an impression on the crowd with this being his first match and he held his own against Geno even after some harsh chops delivered by Geno. With the match down to the final seconds Morton gets tagged in and John stays in and the two roll the other team up in a reversal and took the win.

6. Lawdogs vs Gilbert Gilbert who is usually accompanied by Grady and Grymes and Jade came out all by himself and the crowd who is usually yelling you suck found themselves not really knowing what to feel about Gilbert at this point. The Lawdogs with KD Kraze came out and the match was on. Even though Bill Welch was putting up a great defense Gilbert was clearly in control of this match. After Gilbert had gotten out of the ring suddenly Grymes, Grady, Jade and the Bodyguards came out to see how Michael was doing in the match...Gilbert almost got counted out telling them to go to the back he had this he didnt need them, Welch took advantage of this distraction and got Gilbert down for a 2 count then as he threw Michael into the ropes one of the guards crawled in and clotheslined Welch leaving him laying in the ring. Grady told Gilbert pin him all you have to do is pin him and Gilbert walked away being counted out and the crowd clapping for him. Gilbert took the mic and he told Grady and the whole bunch..."I aint no saint but I am better than this" he told them he was done with them and they could take all this crap of theirs and shove it!!! Grady was losing it..... There is some serious turmoil brewing with these guys and knowing Gilbert I am sure there are some serious backllashes coming. That is one man you do not want to make angry. Wonder what the future holds???

Results compliments of Rena Carnagey SPWA