UCW Union City, Tn Results from Saturday night Nov 30th

I predicted twists and turns would happen at the UCW event on Saturday night Nov 30th. Boy was I right. I could go on and on with Hyperbole but I will just jump into the match results...

Match 1- US Title Match. Champion "Southern Perfection" Galyon Ray With Jay Moore Vs Zach O'Brien. Zach had won the right to face Gaylon last week by winning a #1 contender match. Zach is a rising star and has the ability to take his career to the next level. Gaylon is known as "Southern Perfection" for a reason. His skills are what his Manger Jay Moore describes as "Perfect". I can say Gaylon is a skilled Veteran and he was not going to let go of the title easily. Zach was able to put on quite the offensive against Gaylon and It appeared he had the match won after he executed the "Sour Face Silencer". But Zach was unable to get the cover. Gaylon was able to use his experience to his to his advantage and hit Zach with a "Perfectly" executed "PerfectPlex" gaining the win.

 Match 2- Chris "Bad Boy" Bradley Vs Miracle Matthews. These two are exciting to watch every time they face each other. They are equally matched in most aspects especially when it comes to taking chances that sometimes pay off and sometimes don't. Tonight it seemed that the chances did not pay off initially for Chris as he tried taking a shortcut of using a chain against Matthews. This was discovered by the Referee's "keen" eye to detail. After the referee removed the chain from the equation Chris paid the price with several hard punches to the face from Matthews. It was as Chris seemed likely to be beaten, when a Voice came over the PA system. That voice belonged to Gaylon Ray, Matthews nemesis of many prior battles. This distraction was enough for Chris to capitalize on the opportunity and he hit Matthews with a picture perfect "F5" for the win...

Match 3- Ricky Andrews With Jay Moore and Ms. Jessica Vs Anton Leveigh  This was a most anticipated match of mine for the evening as these two have been partners for years and know each others style just as well as their own. The match did not take place, as Jay Moore had other plans. Jay called out his newest acquisition "THE" Boss. He called him out to make his point that he wants to take over UCW and destroy all that has been created by it. Anton confronted the Tenth Wonder of the World without fear. But he was taken aback when "THE" Boss took Anton's best shot and just glared back at him. "THE" Boss then grabbed up Anton like a sack of potatoes and was about to Power Bomb him, when Anton Slipped away saving himself. Ricky was obviously not pleased with what transpired and let Jay Moore know about it. This fell on deaf ears and Jay ordered his man to the back leaving Anton unharmed. The Match was declared a no contest.

 Match 4- "THE" Boss with Jay Moore Vs "Sexy" Sarge This match was set to be nothing less than a war. That is exactly what Jay Moore wanted and that is what Jay Moore's 10th Wonder of The World gave Sarge. Sarge was on the defensive from the start of the match and through out it's entirety. "THE" Boss was all over Sarge, for better use of words, "like white on rice..." Jay Moore relished the beating Sarge was being given and was ready to lend a hand every chance the referee's back was turned. Sarge was not a push over and showed no fear in facing this mammoth. "THE" Boss is formidable without Jay's help, but with it he is almost unstoppable. "THE" Boss was about to put the final nail in Sarge with the same Power Bomb he used on him last week, but Sarge was able to wiggle free and as he went to take the Boss Down, Jay Moore Struck with a vengeance. Jay hit Sarge with his newly acquired megaphone, right in the head. Knocking Sarge senseless. Dell Tucker came to join Jay in the beating along with Ricky Andrews. Ricky collected a chair from Ringside and Anton Leveigh came in to help Sarge. Anton was attacked by Dell and as Dell held Anton, Ricky drew back the chair. It was believed the chair was for Anton but Ricky blasted Dell in the back. "THE" Boss then came after Ricky but was greeted with a heavy Chair shot to the head. Even with the heavy blow, "THE" Boss did not fall. Jay Moore collected his men and retreated until another time. This match was declared a disqualification in favor of Sarge.

 Match-5 UCW Tag Team Championship match. Champions Sons of the South Vs The Devils Rejects with Jay Moore. I was set and ready for action as I know the reputation of both teams. I have seen them both in action and I know what they can do. This match was nothing less than what I had expected. The two teams are equally matched except for the experience tilting towards the Rejects. The Champions did not lay down at all. From the beginning of the match they set out on the offensive with a line of hard hitting clotheslines, back drops chops and splashes. It was not until 666 of the Rejects switched with his partner behind the referee's back that the tide changed. Then the Rejects showed the evil they are known for. The two Rejects participating 666 and 911 are so similar it is hard to keep track of who was who. They are technically proficient and seem to know exactly what the other is thinking at all times. 187 is the man behind the Rejects and Jay Moore added his brand of evil to the mix as well. JP and BB were able to take over the match and BB climbed to the Top rope to attempt a high risk maneuver. He was knocked down by 187 from the outside and 666 attempted to take him off the top rope hard. But BB was not going to let this happen and performed a Sunset flip over 666 taking him down hard from the second rope to the mat. 1...2...3... Sons of the South are still UCW Tag Team Champions. The SOS were then beaten badly by The Rejects as well as Jay Moore. This beating did not stop until Big Red could stand no more and came in for the save on the SOS. JP is Red's son and he does not take lightly to someone abusing his family. Red seems officially done with Jay Moore...

Main Event- UCW Heavyweight Championship on the line. Champion Houston Vs Dell "The King Of Darkness" Tucker with Jay Moore. Jay Moore sat Dell down in the center of the ring and began a diatribe of how he was to do nothing short than to destroy Houston. Dell sat motionless until Houston made his way into the ring. Houston and Dell then stood nose to nose in the center of the ring and what followed was actually not what I had expected. The match was a brilliant scientific exhibition between two ring generals. This however deteriorated quickly with the assistance of Jay Moore. As soon as Dell got the advantage he earned his name as "The King Of Darkness". Dell inflicted as much pain as he possibly could to Houston. But Houston has a heart like no other and was able to work through the pain. Houston was able to turn the match around and when he did, Jay Moore called for his reinforcement "THE" Boss... The Boss came in and began to pummel Houston to the point he would not be able to defend himself. Fortunately Anton, Ricky and Sarge were watching and came in to help. Surprisingly Jay Moore was able to remove the big man before any real confrontation between the groups occurred.


What does Jay Moore have planned  for the Superstars of UCW???? You will only see it first hand if you come to "The Battle Zone" every Saturday night at 8pm 308 South First St. Union City, Tn.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center