10 Questions with Braykin Bones UCW Superstar

I know what most are going to say about my next interviewee. "That Boy needs a Sandwich!" I will admit Braykin Bones is thin, but he makes up for his linear stature with an impressive aerial arsenal. "The Boy Can Fly" is how I will follow up. He has a good set of mat skills as well. He is one that wants to perfect his craft, and works daily to attain his goals. I am not the only one that sees potential here.

 Will he defeat a 300 pounder with a body slam? No. Will he be able to lift a 250 pounder? Possibly. Does he think he can do these feats in his own mind? Definitely! That is what makes him so intriguing. Each match you watch, you ask yourself, how is he going to overcome his obvious weakness in size? I will say, in each match he will show you how he compensates.

I am impressed with Bones attitude. He may be a "sleeper hit" in the wrestling world? I would not be surprised to see this young man go on to being well known.... I can not say when or where. Braykin Bones is focused right now, and he has made an impact since I have known him. I would recommend you go out and see what Braykin Bones can do.

Get to know what makes Braykin Bones tick in the following 10 Questions.

Height: 6'1"
weight: 140
Years wrestling: 1 year
Current Promotions: UCW

1. Why did you want to become a pro wrestler? I grew up watching wrestling, man. While other kids were watching their favorite football teams, I was watching my favorite matches. It was something I was always drawn to. Once I stepped into a ring, I knew I was home!

2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? Ok, ok, let me go into "Mark Mode" real quick. My favorite would have to be Dell Tucker. He is a smaller guy in size, but his skill, charisma, and attitude are BIG!!!!

3. What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why?  Honestly when I first got to UCW, I went to see Sarge. I could see he had doubts about me because of my size and my experience. I just asked him to watch my match. After it was all said and done, he shook my hand, and told me "that I impressed the hell outta him." It felt good to earn his respect!

4. What was the Coolest venue/location you have wrestled in and why?  UCW!!!! The fans, the environment, and the roster are amazing. I love just being apart of their promotion!

 5. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled? LSD (Idol Bane and Cody Only). I grew up watching those guys, so to be in a match with them was a huge honor!!!

6. Is there a story behind your wrestling name? Absolutely! My whole life I have been told I was too small. Don't play football, you'll break an arm! Don't be in the army, they'll break your back! Your a wrestler?? I bet you"ll break your neck! I took the name Braykin Bones just to throw all the negativity towards the doubters!!

7. Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival and why? I honestly haven't found someone I dub as my rival. I always keep my eyes open though!

8. What is your entrance theme Music?  When I'm with the DLG ( Dirty Little Gang) its "Bad boys" by Inner Circle. When I'm riding solo its "Empty Walls" by Serji Tankian!!!!

9. What makes you stand out in the wrestling business? My desire to not just be good, but be the best. I'm extremely hard on myself. I know you don't just get to the top by laying on your back. You have to go out there and show the world why you belong in that ring.

10. What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling.? Besides this interview?!?(LOL) On a serious note, just being in a locker room full of guys and girls who all share the same passion! I feel honored and proud to be apart of the wrestling world!
I want to say thank you to Braykin Bones for the time spent on the 10 Question interview. I wish you the best in your career. Keep Flying!
Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center

Braykin Bones is seen in the following picture flying in the air above his opponent who is prone on the mat.