Results from SPWA Ramer, Tn Sat Nov 16th

Sorry we are so late getting results from Saturday night up for everyone but we will take care of that now and get everyone caught up.

For the first time in a very long time we were able to start the show without the running of the mouth from Gilbert, Grady and Grymes and it was so peaceful, but we did have the return of another pain in the back side who likes to run his mouth also, Mr. Downtown Brown aka WORM!!!

1. Danger/Triple J vs The Brown Brothers Lonnie and Donnie and Downtown Brown came out with Danger and Triple J.
Downtown Brown caused the loss for his team after sneaking in and trying to sucker punch Lonnie but instead hit his own man letting the Brown Brothers take the win.

2. Camille vs Jade A new female competitor make her debut and her first match was against the Women's Champion Jade. It was quite a match Camille really stepped up to the plate against Jade and was rewarded with the win.

3. Geno/Danny Daniels vs Highly Explosvie (Knockout Kidd/CT Jordan) We got a glimpse of a new tag team tonight in Highly Explosive which consists of Knockout Kidd and CT Jordan. I see some Belts in their future, what a great team they make and the name suites them because in the ring that is exactly what they are!!!! They proved to be too much for Geno and Daniels and the new team took the win.

4. Bonecrusher/Cassanova Kid/ Southern Pride/Gordy With the newly deputized Gordy now working with the Law Dogs he came out with Southern Pride who we have been missing around here. Nice to have him back. But the crowd loving Cassanova Kid with his great intro music and his lively dancing came out with Bonecrusher our new Tag Team Champions!!! and as usual gave the people what they wanted action action action!!! In this nontitle match the two went at it move for move and at one point had kid in the sleeper hold but in the end Gordy misses the hit and takes out his own partner while Southern Pride is laid out in the ring and Bonecrusher had Gordy outside the ring, it set Kid up to take a big splash off the top rope and pin S.P. for the win.

5. Nick Grymes vs Law Dogs This match never even got started really, Nick started in on Bill Welch and everyone got ran out of the ring, as Bill took the mic and stated he wanted a tag match with them next week, he is sick in tired of the Gilbert and Grymes show and he and his team are gonna bring it to an end.

6. AC Styles w/ Miss Kris vs Alex w/ Diana Again another action packed match with these two and again Miss Kris and Diana got their hands on each other- AC took the win but the future with these two sure looks long and as always full of surprises.

7. Gilbert vs Stone Allen and Gilbert these two names alone let you know what kind of match you are in for. Once again Allen barely made it to the ring before Gilbert nailed him from behind with a chair then proceeded to ring the bell himself to start the match, Allen was able to get his hands on a chair himself and made some marks of his own on Gilbert and they went toe to toe in this match at one point Gilbert got the ringside bell and took it in the ring heading straight for Allen who caused him to drop it and then Allen picked it up and laid Michael out with it, somewhere in the process of all this the referee managed to get knocked down and Gilbert took advantage and had a cover on Allen and told Grymes to go wake up the ref but instead he and Gilbert ended up exchanging heated words and it went long enough Allen got off the mat and rolled the distracted Gilbert up at the same time the ref came too enough to count 1,2,3 Allen took the win.

Afterwards Gilbert and Grymes continued arguing, pushing and calling names until Gilbert sent them all to the back....Could we be seeing a little trouble in Paradise???? We sure hope so.

Results written by: Rena Carnagey records keeper and all around great lady for SPWA