The open match up was Bonecrusher and Cassanova Kid taking on Smooth Inc. member Samoan Raja and Chico. This one was one that was action up until the end. With a series of technical moves to complete jaw dropping blows. Especially the final blow when Cassanova Kid unleashed a killer "clothesline from hell" on Chico leaving him completely knocked out having to be taken from the ring on a back board by security. Chico was ok after medical attention was administered to him in the back. Brody Hawk made the announcement earlier in the week that he would be returning to EPW on Saturday night. He said that he had been reinstated per his manager. Promoter Edith Poole was none to happy about this and told security to get him out of the building that he wasn't supposed to be there. She told him if he was going to refuse to go that he would wrestle that night and it would be against the opponent of her choice and she was choosing Samoan Raja. Hawk was none to happy about the choice but he reluctantly agreed. He told Hollywood that he better not get hit by anyone in the Clique like he got hit by the crutch of Kross a few weeks ago. He was assured that nothing would happen and he would stay at EPW.
The Redneck Revolution w/ Smooth went against Bam Bam Bundy , DOA members Dirty Sanchez and Bane after the RR jumped Bundy from behind after an apology for his unprofessionalism in the ring the week before. This one was a brawl between the two tag teams with the Redneck Revolution getting the win in the end.
Chico came to the table and made his presence known to the fans of EPW with a not so nice reception.
The semi main event was Hollywood Clique member Brody Hawk w/ Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock taking on Smooth Inc. member Samoan Raja w/ Smooth. Promoter Edith Poole told Brody Hawk if he was going to wrestle at EPW that night that she would be picking who he would go against and she chose Raja. Hollywood paid Smooth in the middle of the ring for Raja to take a dive in this match up. He in turn went to Raja and he wasn't happy with the decision that Smooth had made or so it seemed that way. Until Raja laid down in the middle of the ring and let the ref count 1 2 3 ...... Giving Hawk the win much to the dismay of the fans as well as Edith Poole.
The main event pitted the EPW tag team champs Hollywood Clique members Brody Hawk and Neil "the Real Deal" Taylor w/Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock going against the EPW Heavyweight champ Chris Cade and his partner Mitch Toretta w/ Zeppelin. This one transpired from earlier in the night when promoter Edith Poole hand picked the clique's opponents. It was most definitely a slobber knocker between these two teams. In the end the team of Hawk and Taylor walked away with the win and retained their titles. Neil Taylor was introduced to Zeppelin as he was heading back to the dressing room. The camera lady also saw more of Toretta's tag partner than she would've liked to thanks to the help of Brody Hawk.