Jerry "The King" Lawler tells WMC-TV he wants rematch with Andy Kaufman

(WMC-TV) - Jerry "The King" Lawler wants a rematch if legendary comedian Andy Kaufman is, in fact, still alive.

While the story appears to be another hoax, Lawler still relishes their relationship. He says one of his last conversations with Kaufman was during a taping at WMC-TV.

He credits the comedian with broadening his own career.

Lawler and Kaufman's feud remains a TV touchstone just as it did during a 1982 appearance on Late Night with David Letterman.

"It was the biggest thing to ever happen to me," said Lawler.

It included a rivalry in the ring when the comedian took up wrestling. Kaufman took on Lawler at the Mid-South Coliseum and at WMC-TV. Kaufman died from lung cancer in 1984.

"One of the main things he talked about was the best prank or scam he could pull would be to fake his own death," said Lawler.

Lawler, appearing at Memphis comic-con this weekend, still capitalizes on his Kaufman connection by selling photos from their Letterman appearance.

He has been doing nonstop interviews since an actress posing as Kaufman's daughter recently claimed the comedian was still kicking.

"Somebody asked me, 'What if Andy walked up to you today, what would you say to him?' And I said I'd give him a big hug and say, "Andy you did it. You pulled it off,' " said Lawler.

"I would love a big wrestle-mania, main event pay-off, return match with Andy Kaufman."

Credit: Jason Miles @