Just my thoughts on North West Tennesse Independent Wrestling today.

I grew up watching Memphis Wrestling. Every Saturday I was glued to the TV watching my favorites. Around this time the Territories were fully operational and the WWF at the time was starting to close it's grip on the territory promoters. You have all heard the tails and the scandals that have come to light over these matters.

Well, here we are today. People are in an uproar in what you could call the North West Tennessee territory. The promoters grips are trying to tighten on a fan base instead of there lively hood as it was in the mid 80's. This area has four wrestling organizations in a 30 mile radius. I can not say which one I like more, that is not what is important to this story. I am an outsider looking in to the company's, if you will. I sit back and observe. I see things I agree with, I see things that I don't. I am not saying I am right or wrong, one way or the other. I know that wrestling is and has always been considered a brotherhood. I am learning the fraternal nature all over again as I travel around. I am disheartened at what I am seeing some of my "brothers" doing.

There is petty bickering and arguing over who has the best event, or who has control over what is being produced. This bickering has separated friends of many years and poisoned the pool of wrestling talent. This "poison" has spilled over to the Wrestlers, who are now being forced to decide who to take sides with, so that they do not lose an opportunity to work in the area. This is not a school yard and you are not picking who is the coolest or which lunch table you are or are not going to sit at. This is a competitive sport, which brings along with it competition. Hence more Organizations opening and more people trying to get their fingers in the pie of ticket sales. That is what opening an event does. You do not go out there to be a failure. If so, you are not someone that needs to be running a business.

FaceBook is abuzz with people putting one another down. This is not good business either. It shows that you are falling into a trap, that will at some point cost you. Whether it be your business, your friends and if it really gets bad, your freedom. That is what I see this coming to if things do not change. The tension will build up and a spark will ignite that will cause an "explosion". It is not good business to air your dirty laundry with someone else's business or talent. If you truly want to be successful, you need to put your head down and come up with your own ideas and make the best possible event with everything you got. Company's grow with team work, not back biting and sour grapes.

The idea of a wrestling company in this area telling a wrestler, you can work here, but not there is also a strong arm technique being used. If there is a legitimate reason that a promoter tells someone to steer clear, as in poor conditions,  or welfare reasons, I can understand that. This is someone looking out for another. This is good business. If you want exclusive talent, use your funds to make them exclusive not pressure of being "blackballed" or underused, if they work for someone else. This is bad business. I have seen both styles used by the area companies. I agree with those that do the looking out for the boys safety as well as their finances.

As much as we all call ourselves "Brothers" we should not take the example of Caine and Able. You know how that story ends. We should take the example of true family and work together or along side of each other. That is the only true hope of survival. You can run your event on your night and you can run your event on your night. If their is a problem, we can talk it out and work through it. I believe my product is the best and you believe your product is the best.  That is where we will let the fans decide.

I will leave you with this. Real life is about compromise, and saying it is what it is. Only you can make the best of things in your control. Someone else's business is not in your control. Move on and make your show the best it can be. It is like selling a product. If yours is better than theirs, your product will sell more and their product will be phased out. Just Saying...

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center.