10 Questions with Bruce MacGowan UCW Superstar

Bruce MacGowan, a man of few words. I understand just how he is. His actions speak louder than his words. I can relate to this as I love to write, more than speak before a crowd. Bruce is a big individual that has seen many a ring war. Being involved in the "DLG" will do one of two things, make you tough or put you under. I can say with all honesty Bruce is tough. To be respected by Dirty Little Dave also says a lot for his character. Bruce is a force to be reckoned with and has impressed me with his style in the ring. I am not a fan of his "stretching of the rules" but he is a formidable opponent.

Bruce has a low center of gravity which works well with his mat skills. He is focused on being winner and compliments his current partners lack of size. Bruce MacGowan is title material whether it be Tag team or singles. It is not Bruce's Kilt that defines him as a standout. I believe it would be his work ethic. Give Bruce a chance the next time you get to see his name on a card. He is worth watching.

Enjoy getting to know Bruce MacGowan in the following 10 Questions.

Height: 6'0
weight: 235
Years wrestling: 4 years 2 months
Current Promotions: UCW

1. Why did you want to become a pro wrestler?   It was always a dream of mine from a young age to become a pro wrestler.

2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? I've thought alot about this question over the Years and I think I'd have to say Dirty Lil Dave. When I was a kid, I watched this man on local t.v. and now that I'm his friend I see more and more that there is a passion he has in and out of the ring that I hope others see in me.

3. What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why? Personally it was joining the Dirty Lil Gang, because the DLG has been around for so long, it has been mentioned in books and so many influential wrestlers that I continue to look up to have been members 

4. What was the Coolest venue/location you have wrestled in and why? I've worked Rocktoberfest, I've been to AAW, WOWF, FTW I've worked for OCW, ASWF, MCW, PIW, RWA, and plan on visiting many others, but in my opinion the coolest place I've worked so far has got to be UCW! The reasons are the atmosphere, professionalism, and how much each and every fan gets into the show.

 5. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled? The Dirty Lil Gang ( Dave, SLAM, and I) wrestled Superstar Bill Dundee and Law & Order at UCW in a six man tag not too long ago, But more recently at MCW in Osceola, AR. Dave and I wrestled Handsome Jimmy Valiant and Big Daddy Lafonce.

6. Is there a story behind your wrestling name? I am Scottish/American and the name MacGowan is my families Clan name, I've been nicknamed "Maniac" MacGowan, I'm assuming because of the way I act in and out of the ring.

7. Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival and why? ANY PERSON that stands between me and victory.

8. What is your entrance theme Music?  Once you join the Gang your entrance them becomes 'Bad Boys' by Inner Circle. Now don't get me wrong as a singles competitor its always been The Kilted Generation 'Liverdance'

9. What makes you stand out in the wrestling business? I think the fact that I am an "Old School" technical wrestler makes me stand out in the wrestling business. If that doesn't work I'm also known as "the Guy who wears the "skirt/Kilt". Although I'm pretty sure that's been done before.

10. What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling.? Every time I lace my boots up and hear my music play I'm proud to call myself a pro wrestler.

Thank you Bruce for your time on this interview. I wish you continued success.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center