A twist on the 10 Questions with Ed Landers AKA "Big Jim Business" Wrestling Promoter

I have been fortunate enough to meet many wonderful people in this sport in the short time I have been covering the West Tennessee scene with Wrestling News Center. I was introduced to this particular man, that I am interviewing today, through my good friend, Eric Teas. Eric had told me about this man, he called "Big Jim Business" and how he was a joy to work for in the wrestling business. Like all things you are told about greatness, you need to experience it for yourself before you believe it. Eric scheduled a time for me to meet this man, "Big Jim Business" for lunch one weekend. I can honestly say I am a skeptical person and I am always on the look out for those that are, well... less than honest. So he had that disadvantage right off the bat. But my skepticism quickly changed.

When we met for lunch, I saw a man walk in using a cane for balance. He is a "bigger" man, not heavy but built as you would expect a man named, "Big Jim Business" would be. He was moving slow and having never met him, I did not know the story behind the reason for the cane. Eric introduced me to the man behind the name "Big Jim Business" Ed Landers.  In the following conversation I found that Ed has given much to this business, including his mobility and health. During a match he was injured causing partial paralysis . Being partially paralyzed, at first he thought he would be wheel chair bound for life. Even though he was confined to a chair he did not stop working in this business. He fought a tough battle and due to hard work he is now mobile enough to use a cane. Ed did not ask pity for this, nor does he know I am writing this portion of the interview.  I felt it was important to tell due to his work ethic. To have such a major injury and still fight back and continue what you love doing, is an uncommon trait in today's world.

We spoke for hours that day, time flew by as I listened to his views and got to know what "Big Jim Business" and Ed Landers were about. I made a friend that day and I am glad I did. Thank you Eric Teas for introducing me and Thank you Ed Landers for being the man you are. In closing to my opening remarks. I would say take some time and carefully read this interview. There is a lot of insight from a man who has done a lot in and for this business.

1. What made you decide to get in to the promotion of the Sport of Pro Wrestling? After my injury it just seemed like the natural progression ... to go from wrestler to promoter. I had always been interested in the running of the company side of the business.

2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? I have several but without a doubt the young Jerry "the King" Lawler was my favorite....in my opinion nobody was as good on the mic as Lawler. He could talk people into the arena. He was not the greatest worker but he was alot better than alot of people give him credit for....it doesn't hurt he was a mastermind as well. That is my opinion of course and as we know everybody has one. I also liked Harley Race, The Midnight Express, Nick Bockwinkle, Curt Hennig, Larry Latham.....I could go on and on.

3.What is the best experience in or out of the business you have had in pro wrestling and why?  I have made lots of friends and I am sure just as many people that don't like me .... but I would have to say that having my dad at my first match was the best experience I have ever had in this great sport of wrestling. Why? because me and him would watch wrestling every chance we got together and he loved the sport of wrestling, which in turn made me love it. Having him there for my first match was my dream come true. I lost my dad to cancer in 2009 so it is that much more special to me now.

4.What was the Coolest venue/location you have booked as building to hold your event and why? I guess I am partial a little but the Milan National Guard Armory would have to be the coolest for me. It is where everything came together and we had a great run there as First Class Wrestling. Lots of good memories in that armory.

5.Who is the most experienced or well known person you have gained knowledge of this business from? There have been several.....and I am proud to call them friends. First Gene Hall a true friend and a wealth of knowledge in the sport of wrestling. I still pick Genes brain whenever I get the chance. Beautiful Bobby Eaton, Larry Latham, Jimmy Hart ... all great men and very easy to talk with. Darrell Bruff another guy that I can not forget ... been in the business for a long time and a friend who I can talk with.

6. I know that you also managed and still manage Wrestlers, Is there a story behind your wrestling name? I wrestled as Big John, The Masked Hillbilly, and Big Jim Business. I usually go by Big Jim Business now because the other two I wore masks with. Charlie Hayes and myself came up with Big Jim Business as we were brainstorming. Thank you Extreme Machine.

7.Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival as a promotion as well as wrestler and why? My biggest rival as a wrestler would have to be Eclipse "the man from the darkside". My biggest rival promotion hmmm .... I would have to say would be myself. When I promoted I tried not to think about what other shows were doing. I wanted to be sure that I put on the best possible show I could. If you do that you don't have to worry about other shows ... well that is if your show is good enough. I respected the other shows as I would not run the same town and I tried to stay a good distance away from other promotions. I never told the guys who worked for me not to work for someone else they made that decision for themselves. I tried to treat all the guys fair and if you asked some of the guys who worked for me I think that they will tell you the same thing.

8.What do you think would benefit the Sport of Wrestling Today?  I would have to say a number of things would help the sport of wrestling today. I know that you have to move forward but there are a great number of things that would be better if they were done the old way. If a promotion is running a town don't start up another promotion down the street. Competition is good but overcrowding is not. It will hurt both promotions before everything is said and done. Take pride in what you do ..... the first thing that a wrestling fan sees is the ring ... make it look as professional as you can. The next thing they notice is your sound system and microphones ... spend the extra money and get a good system and mic and make sure your sound man can run them. A good announcer helps a promotion but a bad one hurts one.....and finally the length of your show makes a difference. You do not have to do every move you know in one match, save some for the next show. The average fan does not want to set through a three hour indy wrestling show...put time limits on your matches and limit the microphone work to times when it really matters.

9.What makes you stand out in the wrestling business?  I don't know if I stand out really. I gave my all to wrestling. My physical health and my mental health(lol). I am not a household name,but I am proud to say that I am immortalized in print in Handsome Jimmy Valiants autobiography and I am very proud of that fact. I guess..well...I hope that over the years that the guys who worked with me all know how much the time we all spent together means to me. I am proud of the time that I spent running First Class Wrestling and West Tennessee Championship Wrestling. I am proud of the time I spent with VCWA and MSWA. I can say I always tried to give 110% at whatever show I was at.

10.What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling.? I have had many, many proud moments....but the one that comes to my mind was when my dad rode with me, Buckwild Bill, and Beautiful Bobby Eaton to Nashville. I had to take Bobby back because he was living up there at that time....Buckwild Bill just started a job driving a semi up by Knoxville so we drove him up there. My dad always talked about that time we had together....he was like a kid in a candy store. He loved Buckwild Bill and Bobby and he just soaked it all up. That, I would have to say was my proudest moment in wrestling, because the sport I love gave my dad one of his greatest memories.....a memory he talked about until the day he died. Thank you Derrick for this chance. Thank you wrestling fans. Thank you to all my brothers and sisters in the great sport of wrestling. Be safe.....and always remember "it ain't personal its just BUSINESS, and its all about the Benjamins"

Thank You Ed "Big Jim Business" Landers for your time and insight during this interview. It has been an honor to meet you and enlightening reading your answers.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center
Photo Courtesy of Ed Landers. He is the better looking one in the middle. Sorry just a point of fun to the legends that surround him.