Wrestling News Center Picture Published in Pro Wrestling Illustrated January edition

I would like to announce that a picture I took in the course of covering a Wrestling Event for Wrestling News Center, on Sept 13th, 2013 was chosen to be published in the Current Issue of Pro Wrestling Illustrated. I want to give credit to Wrestling News Center for the opportunity to cover matches for the site. If it was not for WNC, I do not believe my picture would have been noticed by The PWI Reporter Mike Bessler. It is a great honor for me to write for this site and publish interviews and pictures that portray the Independent wrestlers as what they are, "Stars". Some good, some not, some exceptional. This is what our job is about. To get their names and organizations known so that the fans can get out there and see what Independent wrestling is all about.

That match and story came from a match between "Dynamite" Seth Knight Vs Chris Hayes. Chris Hayes was cost the match by interference by his own brother, Erik Hayes. This incident led to a series of matches between Erik and Chris to settle the score.

The following pictures are of the magazine and article along with picture crediting WNC.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center