Breaking News Union City, Tn UCW is NO LONGER FOR SALE!!!!

I reported last week that the Biro's were indeed selling UCW to a buyer from Lexington, Ky. The deal was not to be finalized until the later portion of November to the first week of December. I was informed tonight by David and Becky Biro that they have officially turned down the offer for purchase.

Some will say this was a "Work". I can tell you with no doubt it is not. The Biro's told me that they had put a lot of effort into their promotion and have grown to feel those that work for them are Family. They have expressed that they would not feel right in leaving any portion of the Family behind.

The news was greeted with applause when the Biro's announced this message to the Wrestlers on the evenings card. I am objective when I say, I am impressed by the loyalty between the Biro's and the wrestlers. It is an "all for one, one for all", atmosphere.

The world of wrestling is a "never say never" business. With the message one week prior alot of the wrestlers were nervous and did not know what would happen. They "never" thought it would turn out this way. They knew the sale was pending and were preparing to welcome a new employer. But like the saying goes "never" is a strong word, and in this case it is true. I wish the Biro's prosperity.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center.