Results from 11-2 in Ramer, TN

I am not sure there are enough words to describe all the action that took place last night in Ramer,TN. I can say this, the fans went home happy and with some satisfaction knowing Gilbert and Grymes got taken to school by Team Texas! Let's get to the results.

1. TN Brawler vs Triple J
Triple J making his return appearance last night and was in control of the TN Brawler when Gilbert and Grymes and Grady decided to run in and cause a DQ when they got their hands on Triple J and beat him and held him to the ground while they made their little speech about how this house belongs to them and they take what they want when they want etc etc etc and all of a sudden unknown music hit and Team Texas came running in and ran them right out. Rudy Boy Gonzalez and Galan Ramirez "Team Texas" took over the mic and started right in on Gilbert and Grymes telling them they had already heard all the nasty things they had been saying about them and told them if they werent too chicken maybe a match was in order for tonight and the crowd was in agreement screaming yes yes yes in unison and Gilbert reluctantly agreed.

2. Three way match: Matt vs Donnie vs John
This match was a mixture of talent and was fun to watch with Donnie coming out with the win.

3. Another 3 way match, this one with two of our Champions and a new comer: Chico vs Lonnie vs Alex
This newcomer didnt realize what he had stepped into, getting in the ring with these two Champs and so he tried keeping himself out of the ring as much as possible. We saw some great moves from Alex Stone and Lonnie pulled out some good moves himself, Good enough to get him the win.

4. Cyrus/Chazz vs The Law Dogs(Bonecrusher)
The Law Dogs had a member who was not able to wrestle last night so they found a stand in for them Bonecrusher came in to help them out. This was a action packed match with some hard hits and of course some cheating out of Cyrus and Chazz and their Valets (who really need to work on their image and to learn their jobs....just sayin) but no worry about them, see the newest law dogs KD Kraze and Jen Hardin came from both sides and cornered them and handcuffed them to the ring. While the match ended up in a DQ.

5. Danny Diamond vs Knockout Kid
New comer Danny Diamond tried to bring it...but it wasnt enough to beat crowd favorite Knockout Kidd.

6. With tempers boiling on each side Gilbert/Grymes took on Team Texas. The Texans started the match hot and heavy really taking it to them but they managed to Galan in their corner and unable to make a tag and it looked like it was over for Team Texas. But Galan finally made a tag and Rudy Boy came in and cleaned house and all of a sudden the ring was filled with both. The referee got knocked out and a pin was made by Galan and the ref came too and counted it 1,2,3....Team Texas won, There was some questions about the win and while that was going on Jade got pulled in the ring and laid over Rudy Boys Knee and got a good old fashioned spanking and Gilbert and Grymes just watched until Allen Stone and Lonnie came out and helped them back into the ring only to receive a drop kick from each of team Texas and left them in the ring.

7. AC Styles/Harold vs Don Bass/Allen
The crowd lost it when Don's music came on and he got on the mic and told Harold he was gonna kick his butt and finish what he started last time, that this house didnt belong to him this house belonged to Don and Allen and the fans. When the bell rang it was on Don got on Harold and didnt stop and Allen and AC took it to the floor, Allen got a kendo stick and wore Styles out with it and Don got himself a chair and laid Harold out not once but twice and then got out of the ring and laid out MS. Kris of course the match was a DQ for Stone and Bass but they could have cared less..winning was never a thought...teaching a lesson was all that mattered and when Harold had to be carried out on a stretcher just like Don told him he would the lesson became TRUTH!!! Maybe just Maybe the dictator and Styles have learned something this time. Only time will tell.

(Sent in to WNC by Don Johnson)