SPWA/CWA results from The Night of Legends Nov 8th Ramer, TN.

I found out that SPWA and CWA combined forces to bring "The Night Of Legends" To Ramer, Tn on Friday Nov 8th. The night was a benefit for three Memphis Legends to help offset medical expenses. The Legends the night was set for were, "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton, "Cowboy" Don Bass, and Kamala. The card was filled with a lot of the area Superstars, and boy was the action hot and heavy. From opening bell until the sound of the closing bell the crowd was on fire and at some points out for blood as the jeered their most hated wrestlers. I was impressed by the welcome, all of us here at the Wrestling News Center received from the SPWA management. I was joined by two veteran Wrestling News Center photographers and bloggers. B-Smoove Brian Reese and John Herrada.
It was not a competition between us but we all know what shots we wanted and where we would like to be for our shots. We were like vultures, if you will. LOL. It was a great time.

Now on to the results. A very nice lady that writes for the SPWA on their weekly results gave me the results at the end of this very busy night of wrestling. Her name s Rena Carnagey. I want to say thank you to her for all of the help she provided on this evening. It was just one of the highlights of the SPWA staff.

Match 1- Geno Sydel and Chris Cade Vs Ct Jordan and Johnny Morton. This match was between two teams of the same caliber. Johnny Morton is a ring veteran and his experience is what allowed his team to triumph over Sydel and Cade.

Match 2- The Ramer Rumble. 24 men competed in this match. The rules were four men started the match. Every minute another man would enter the ring and it would not end until one man was left as the victor. Here is the list of combatants. 1) LSD, 2) Knockout Kidd, 3) John Daniels, 4) AC Styles, 5) Josh Cross, 6) Tn Brawler, 7) Triple J, 8) Donnie, 9) Jim Casey, 10) Ram, 11) Bill Welch w/ Jen Hardin and KD Kraze, 12) Lonnie Brown, 13) Mananimal, 14) Cyrus, 15) CT Jordan, 16) Michael Gilbert, 17) Bonecrusher, 18) Nick Grymes, 19) Cassanova Kid, 20) Geno Sydel, 21) Chris Cade, 22) Chico, 23) Johnny Morton, 24) Mitch Toretta. The action was everywhere and hard to follow, so here is the match ending. Johnny Morton was being held in the corner by Grady and Grymes. Michael Gilbert pinned Mitch Torreta and was declared the winner. Allen Stone saw the injustice and reversed the decision and awarded the match to Johnny Morton.

Match 3-Lady Vixen w/ Alan Shepard Vs Destiny. This was set to be a ladies match only, but Alan Shepard interfered. That is When the Boogie Woogie Boy Gary Valiant  came in to help Destiny out.  This made the match very interesting as Destiny and Valiant made a great team Vixen and Shepard could not get the momentum and Destiny pulled out the win over Vixen.

Match 4- Non Title Match. SPWA Tag Champions Nathan Auldridge and Chazz W/ Amy Vs The Cassanova Kid and Bonecrusher. Hard hitting is how I would describe this match. These two teams have met before and a fuse was lit tonight that I believe will start a feud between the two teams. The match was a fight and could not be controlled. The match ended in a DQ when Cyrus ran in and assited in a beat down against Kid and Bone Crusher.

Match 5- Tn Brawler Vs Mitch Toretta. The brawler is a tough individual, but was very nervous and distracted by Toretta's partner he had lying in a bag in the corner. For those that do not know Toretta's partner, it is a 10 foot red python. As the match progressed Toretta's partner writhed in the bag distracting the Brawler. This led to his downfall with Toretta's Partner helping with the pin.

Match 6- Destiny vs BeBe. A ladies match was set and In my opinion stole the show. Destiny is a fine wrestler and BeBE is no slouch. The two are friends but this did not stop them from giving their all for a win. It was not until Lady Vixen interfered and took down Destiny for BeBE to get the overwhelming momentum for a win. With a well placed leg drop from the second rope on Destiny BeBe Took the win.

Main Event- AC Styles, Michael Gilbert and Nick Grymes Vs Allen Stone, William Stone and Rodney Grymes. Rodney Grymes had a point to prove and spent most of the match making it. The team of Styles, Gilbert and Grymes gave as good as they got and this match just deteriorated into a slugfest. The match was unable to be controlled by the ref but Allen Stone was able to pin Michael Gilbert. I left out this man's name until now due to his total lack of respect for the legends that were honored tonight. "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock. Made his presence known with his snake in the grass interference and very crude statements to the crowd. Jimmy did get his comeuppance, when Bobby Eaton and Jim Casey put him in his place. I don't think "Hollywood" will be so quick to disrespect these legends in the future.

The night of legends was about the legends. They were honored prior to the main event. On Hand were: Jack Lawler, Jimmy Hill, Wayne Gann, Levon Stone, Thomas Wood, Tommy Sanders, Bill Welch, "Outlaw" Don Bass, "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton "Gentleman" Jim Casey and Diamond Darwin.

In all this was  fun event. The wrestling action in Ramer is on fire right now. I can recommend the SPWA for an organization to watch.

Please enjoy the pics from the night. This is only a sampling of what happened on this night.