UCW Union City, Tn Results from Saturday Nov 9th

The night was built around the anticipation for the "Porn Star on a Pole" match. The crowd had gathered at the "Battle Zone" to see what was in store. The wrestlers were abuzz with anticipation also. The match was just part of a big event with titles to be defended as well as a grudge to be settled. Lets get on to the matches.

Match 1- The Dirty Little Gang Vs The Sons of the South. The two teams met last week and a classic was set to happen tonight. The Dirty Little Gang is from Arkansas and like to fight. They hold no allegiance to the rules and break them every time it suits them. The Sons of the South are on a mission to regain the Tag Team Championships from the Hooligans. But tonight they had to face Bruce Macgowan and Braykin Bones. This was not an easy match for either team. The match began with The Dirty Little Gang jumping the Sons of the South and the momentum was set for them to attack BB's injured knee. And that is what they did with precision. When The Sons of The South began to come back against the Dirty Little Gang, Bones picked up a steel chair and bashed JP in the back as he was flung into the ropes. This brought Bruce to hit JP with a Hard DDT and get the win. This chain of events was seen by the Commissioner and another match was ordered between the two teams.

Match 2- The much anticipated "Porn Star on a Pole Match". Sarge described what was to occur. Two lovely ladies were set on top of opposite corners with weapons to be handed to the combatants upon request. Little Bit on one side and The Little Voice Jessica on the other. Big Red faced Sarge and the two were not set to have a regular wrestling match. The fight began immediately and Big Red was the first to get a weapon. He obtained a kendo stick and hit Sarge in the "Business" with scream of pain Sarge writhed in the ring. Big Red then began to hit Sarge repeatedly. Sarge would not give up and was able to get his patented chain from Little Bit. This equalized the match for a short time. Red got a coal miners glove from Jessica and turned the tide again. Sarge thought he had his ace in the hole, a bag of powder stored safely by Little Bit. As he tried to open the bag Red attacked and took it away. Red was overconfident and as he threw the powder at Sarge, Jay Moore was sent into a cloud. As Red was distracted Little Bit climbed the perch and hit Red with a High Cross body, and he was school Boyed by Sarge for the 1...2...3...

Match 3- US Title match. "Southern Perfection" Gaylon Ray vs Miracle Matthews (US Champ) Gaylon has been on the title hunt and has not yet been able to capture a win. He is currently guided by Jay Moore and is being groomed for gold. Miracle Matthews is a high flying risk taker that has been defending his belt against all challengers. He will not give the belt up without a fight and that is exactly what happened tonight. The fight was taken to Miracle Matthews by Gaylon and in the end Gaylon was able to hit Matthews with a "Perfect Plex" that gained him the win. UCW has now got a new US Champion. Gaylon Ray.

Match 4- This was set to be a grudge match between Ricky Andrews and Anton Leveigh. But A surprise earlier in the night, Dell Tucker "The King of Darkness" made a unscheduled return and beat Houston with a kendo stick injuring Houston's hand. Anton was attacked by both Dell Tucker and Ricky Andrews as he made his way to the ring. Houston was close behind and the four men began an any where and every where fight. Ricky and Anton battled on the floor of the arena, but Houston and Dell Tucker spilled the fight out in to city streets and parking lot. It was a brutal fight with all men receiving blows that were surprisingly recovered from. It is hard to call this type of action and it was not stopped until Commissioner Lloyd Moore ordered Jay Moore to have his men stop their brutality or face fines and suspension. Jay believed what commissioner Moore had said and took his men away from the ring area, leaving Anton and Houston in a heap on the ring floor.

Each and every week UCW provides hard hitting Wrestling action. It gets better each and every week. If you get the chance visit UCW at 308 South First St. Union City, Tn on Saturday Night at 8pm. You will be glad you did.

Please enjoy the following pictures of the action.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center.