UCW Union City, TN Saturday Nov 9th 8pm

Sexy Sarge has come up with a match that has never been done in the history of the Wrestling Business. Sarge who is a reformed "Porn Star Stripper" made a challenge to Big Red to compete in a "Porn Star" On a Pole match. We at UCW are concerned as to the connotations this match has, but we have been guaranteed by Sarge that this match WILL NOT violate any family values....

 Come out Saturday Night Nov 9th at 8pm to see what Sarge has planned for Big Red!!! Also on the card we have 3 title matches. The UCW Heavyweight Champion Houston will defend against returning Chris Rocker. The US Title will be defended by Miracle Matthews against "Southern Perfection" Gaylon Ray. The Hooligans will be defending their Tag Team Championships against Zach Obrien and a mystery partner. A grudge match between Jason Andrews and Anton Leveigh and a Number 1 contender match is also on the card. The Dirty Little Gang Vs The Sons of the South.