10 Questions with UCW Announcer David "Big Dave" Sims

I have done many interviews with Independent Wrestler's. I have done an interview with Independent Referee's. Today is something new and I really hope you enjoy this one. Today I asked for answers to the 10 Questions by an Independent Wrestling Announcer.

I would like to introduce you to David "Big Dave" Sims. He has been a long time announcer in the Independent scene here in the Mid-South. David is a new friend of mine and I am growing to respect his work. For those that think it would be an easy job to be an announcer, I challenge you to talk to someone one sided for two to three hours with only short breaks in between topics, with no response from the person you are talking to. Not so easy now, is it? Well Dave and others in his chosen career have to do this on an every Saturday Basis and whenever he gets behind a mic.

David is knowledgeable about the Wrestling he announces and keeps the conversation interesting as the matches go along. He never takes away from an Event he only enhances it. Please take the time and read over David's answers , you will get to know a little bit about the seldom recognized.

Years in wrestling: 15
Current Promotions: UCW

1. Why did you want to become involved in pro wrestling? Its always been my dream since I was a kid. To be in pro wrestling today means, I'm living that dream!!!

2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? Jerry Lawler. I grew up watching him. As a teenager I was at the Mid South Coliseum every monday night!!

3. What is the best experience in or out of the wrestling business you have had in pro wrestling and why? I met my wife at a wrestling show, and that changed my life.

4. What was the Coolest venue/location you have announced in and why? That would have to be the Bill Dundee "Battle Zone" in UCW, Union City, Tn. It's a great atmosphere.

5. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have called a match for? Well theres a few legends that come to mind, such as Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, Rikishi, Road Dawg ( Jessie James), Jimmy Valiant, Sid Vicious, and Tommy Rich.

6. Is there a story behind your announcing name? Well my name is David and look at me. Nuff said. lol

7. Who over the years has been your Biggest challenge to announce for and why? I've always found it harder to call hardcore matches or battle royals just so much going on to keep up with.

8. What are your duties as an announcer? My duties include introductions and Commentary I try to add some exitement to the matches!!!

9. What makes you stand out in the wrestling announcing business? I'm "Big Dave", everybody loves me! lol No, I would like to think my knowledge of pro wrestling makes me stand out. I try to see the best in everybody.

10. What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling.? Winning the Wrestling News Centers Announcer of the year. That was a great honor.

Thank you David, I am proud to know you and look forward to hearing you call the matches each week.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center

Picture obtained from David Sims Facebook account