UCW Union City, Tn Saturday Night Nov 16th at 8pm.... Sarge's Birthday Bash

Come out and Join UCW as it celebrates Sarge's Birthday this Saturday Night Nov 16th at 8pm. This one time a year Event will be a party to remember. We have put a lot of candles on the cake we will see if it survives.

There are Three Title matches on the card. Due to last Saturday's surprise attack on Houston by Dell "The King of Darkness" Tucker, Houston has asked and been given a match. The twist to the matter is Jay Moore had demanded the match be for the Heavyweight Belt.

There will be a three way dance between "Southern Perfection" Gaylon Ray Vs Miracle Matthews Vs Chris Bradley. Gaylon had defeated Miracle Matthews for the Belt Saturday Night and Matthews is wanting his chance to get it back. to Spice up the night celebrating Sarge's Birthday the UCW management put Chris Bradley in the mix to make it even more interesting. This should be a great match.

The Hooligans are defending the Tag Team Championships against the Sons of the South. UCW management took in to consideration that The Dirty Little Gang defeated the Sons of the South Saturday Night by the use of a steel chair. Due to the blatant disregard for the rules The Dirty Little Gang was skipped over for the #1 contender slot and the Sons of the South were put in. There is a matter of payback for the SOS against the Hooligans due to the knee injury inflicted on BB 3 weeks ago.
The action is set and the celebration begins this Saturday Nov 16th at 8pm at the UCW "Battle Zone" 308 South First St. Union City, Tn