10 Questions with UCW Superstar 1/2 of the "Sons of the South" "BB" Billy Madding

I would like to introduce 1/2 of  UCW's, The "Sons of the South" B.B. Billy Madding. This young man is big, fast and full of enthusiasm. Billy is a respectful young man and can really make his way around a ring. He is in his early years of competition, but I see him on the fast track to multiple championships. He and his partner J.P. are in a current hunt for the UCW Tag Team Championships.

Billy as  stated can get around a ring. He has a mixture of power moves and high flying.  He can compensate for his lack of years, with tenacity and his competitive spirit. I have met many along my journeys and I can truly say, I am impressed with Billy Madding, personally and professionally.

Please enjoy a little window in to Billy Madding in the following 10 Questions.

Height: 6'2"
weight: 265
Years wrestling: 1 1/2
Current Promotions: UCW

1. Why did you want to become a pro wrestler? I have grown up watching wrestling all my life.

2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? At the moment Daniel Bryant. It is because he has never backed down from anyone.

3. What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why? The best experience would have to be tagging with Matt Hardy, when I first broke in to the business. He was a down to earth guy. He didn't look at me as a "green horn" just another worker.

4. What was the Coolest venue/location you have wrestled in and why? UCW. It is home the best there is around. I couldn't ask for better. What really makes is the people involved and the great fans.
 5. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled? I have tagged with Matt Hardy and Robert Gibson.

6. Is there a story behind your wrestling name? Nope. The best trainer and good friend of mine, Sarge,  gave it to me

7. Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival and why? I have to say Dell Tucker. It seems like every time I turn around he is there to try and knock me down.

8. What is your entrance theme Music?  "Hick lyfe" Big SMO

9. What makes you stand out in the wrestling business? My personality and loyalty to the fans.

10. What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling.? Have to say the proudest moment in life was winning the tag belts with my partner and best friend JP while managed by Jimmy Heart.

Thank you Billy for your time on this interview.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center