Nov 17th "Clothe the Kids" Benefit Event at the Giant Flea Market Building 1700 West Reelfoot ave, Union City, Tn. Bell time 2 pm

Sunday Nov 17th the Twin Cities Mens Organization (TCMO) will be presenting a Benefit will be sponsoring a Wrestling Event at The Giant Flea Market Building Located at 1700 West Reelfoot ave. Union City, Tn.

Wrestling Stars to appear the night of the Event Include: Derrick King, "Showtime" Daniel Thomas, Big Boy Leroy, Jason Rage, Dell Tucker, Sons of the South, Trent Ware, Xander Legend, Zac Jonez, Kilo, Miracle Matthews, The Posse,  Extreme Neal Dream, Skyler Devins.

They would like to invite all Fans of Wrestling to come out and enjoy the Event.

The Doors open at 1 pm and the Bell rings at 2pm. Admission is only $6 at the door.

Advance tickets are available at the Fulton Police Department as well as The Giant Flea Market Nov 8th - 10th for $5

The proceeds go to Clothe the Kids Benefit, Please come out and help the children this Christmas season.

Just added to the card. "3G" Eric Wayne, Justin "Hell" and "the Titan" Chris Hayes.

This is a great card of Mid South Independent Wrestling Talent. Come out and show your support for some kids in need, this Christmas.