BREAKING NEWS out of UCW Union City, TN Nov 2nd 2013

I have been made aware of a pending sale of the UCW to an unnamed buyer from Lexington, Ky.  The UCW is currently owned by David and Becky Biro. The Biros have ran Events in the current location for over two years. The announcement was made to the staff of UCW tonight prior to bell time at 8 pm.

This is a shock to the Union City Wrestling area. It is unknown who the buyer is and the finalization of the sale will be made official by the end of November to the early part of December, according to Ms. Biro. The Biro's made a statement to their current staff. "We love you all, you are family to us. We are not doing this to hurt anyone, we are doing it for the betterment of our family at home." The Biros announced that the show will run it's current schedule and that they hope the takeover will be easy and smooth. I asked who the buyer was? Ms Biro advised that he, the buyer, has asked he not be disclosed at this time. The sale will include all aspects of the UCW business including the rights to the UCW name.

I have worked with the Biros for several weeks now and I have grown to like them. They have generous hearts and treat the staff like they are family. I am impressed by their business style.

With any takeover, uncertainty is always a factor. Will the new owner come in and run things status quo? Or will they completely change things? Change is always hard, and there will always be someone who does not like what was changed. It is my hope that UCW will continue to put on events that the fans can be proud to attend. The Biros have ran wonderful family oriented events. Lets hope that the new owner will follow in the same style. But like everything in life, the future is uncertain. With that said, you have to make the best of what you have.

To the Biros. Thank you for the wonderful time you have shown me over the period of time I have covered your events. May your future endeavors be successful.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center.