10 Questions with 1/2 of the WOWF Tag Team Champions "Bourne Supremecy" Joseph Bourne

I was fortunate enough to meet this young man when I first started in the photography aspect of the wrestling world.  He tags with his brother and is managed by his sister. He is Currently 1/2 of the WOWF Tag Team Champions with his brother.

I would like to introduce you to Joseph Bourne. Joseph is a natural athlete and has an great skill set in the ring. He is currently not a fan favorite, but I would highly recommend anyone who gate the chance to see him wrestle in a tag team match or singles to do so. I have seen many wrestlers perform a standing drop kick over the years, but Joseph is a master at this maneuver and will literally "dust your mustache" with his boots anytime he is in the ring with you.

This young man has a bright future ahead of him and it has been a pleasure to photograph his matches. He is star rising in this business and if given the right opportunity, I believe he could make it to the top of his profession.

I hope you enjoy learning a little more about Joseph Bourne in the following 10 Questions.

Height:  6'01
weight: 210
Years wrestling: 3 yrs
Current Promotions: WOWF

1. Why did you want to become a pro wrestler?   It was a childhood dream. My grandfather and I would flip back and forth on the TV trying to watch WCW and WWF. My grandfather is the reason why I wrestle. He passed away when I was just a little boy and he told me that I would become a star one day. So here I am, chasing my dream.

2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? Shawn Michaels.. He could do it all.. His cocky attitude is what I loved most about him.

3. What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why?  The best experience I have is, really every time I walk through the curtain. Hearing the crowds reaction it's the best feeling ever.

4. What was the Coolest venue/location you have wrestled in and why?  Hmm That's tuff cause I'm new to the business and I'm still getting my name around. I would have to say "OSW." They don't run anymore but that is where I had my first match and they made me feel like family.

 5. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled? There are a few I'd like to name.  Derrick King, Eric Wayne, Pokerface and Rude. They always seemed to step there game up when we wrestled.

6. Is there a story behind your wrestling name? There is no story behind my name. It is just something that had a ring to it, so I went with it.

7. Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival and why? Probably it would have to be PokerFace. We always had stiff, but good matches. Loved working with him.

8. What is your entrance Theme Music?  Hollywood undead , "Young."

9. What makes you stand out in the wrestling business? Come on now... Look at me.  I'm young. I'm in shape. The ladies love me.

10. What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling.? My proudest moment in wrestling. I'm proud that I have a lot of people/friends pushing me to get better because they believe in me.
Thank you Joseph for taking the time to answer these 10 Questions. They were answered just as I expected you to answer them, with confidence, and that is a good thing.
Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center