Nominate your favorites now!!!

It's that time of the year again!

You can now start sending in your nominees for
the WrestlingNewsCenter 2013 Awards

Send your nominees to by Sunday, December 1!

2013 Categories

Wrestler of 2013
Tag Team of 2013
Wrestling Promotion of 2013
Female Wrestler of 2013
Most Improved Wrestler
Manager/Valet of 2013
Referee of 2013
Announcer of the Year
Best Wrestling Match of 2013
Most Outrageous Moment of the Year
Best Wrestling Event of 2013
Most Overrated Worker
Most Underrated Worker

Lifetime Achievement Award of 2013- The Lifetime Achievement Award will be chosen by the staff. It will given to most deserving, hard-working, stand-out individual involved in wrestling.

Send your nominees to 

It is required to submit at least nominees for at least 3 of the categories for your nominees to be submitted. 

Last Day to send in Nominees December 1, 2013.

*Awards will be given out to the WINNERS!*