10 Questions with SPW Star Matt Taylor

Folks, please let me introduce to you a SPW star that some of you may not know. His name is Matt Taylor and He is one of many young wrestlers making his career start in a fast growing company in Selmer, Tn named SPW. He is 18 years old and has been wrestling for 3 years. He is a high flier and risk taker. He is the Current SPW junior heavyweight champion. He has faced many opponents such as Moe Stegall, Dan Matthews and Ricky Smith to name only a few.

Matt is a young looking man and gets the attention of the female fan. Don't let his youthful appearance throw you, he is an accomplished wrestler. Please enjoy getting to know Matt a little better in the next 10 questions.

Height:  5'10
weight: 170
Years wrestling: 3 years
Current Promotions: Southern Premier Wrestling

1. Why did you want to become a pro wrestler?  Well I use to watch wrestling as a kid, I would watch old WCW matches and watch Edge and Christian as a kid. I would always jump off the couch onto my friends or brothers acting like I was a wrestler, and then I went to an independent show run by Outlaw Don Bass, and started getting trained by Destiny The Queen of Destruction.

2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? I would say Edge. He just always has been my favorite from the get go. I watched nearly all his matches from VHS or DVD and ones posted on the internet. I would watch anything that Involved Edge.
3. What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why? My best experience in the ring, would be a match I had with The Golden Boy Greg Anthony, he knows what wrestling is, on all kinds of personal levels. If your green like me, I suggest learning from him in or out of the ring.

4. What was the Coolest venue/location you have wrestled in and why? I'd say SPW or TDWA. TDWA isn't running anymore but it was in a decent building. SPW has been by far the cleanest and safest I've been in. They are located at the National Guard armory and the Civic Center. Plus it's got great people whether it be fans or wrestlers.

 5. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled?  Golden Boy Greg Anthony, or Shawn Reed. They both taught me so much inside the business. Major Respect to those guys.

6. Is there a story behind your wrestling name? Yes actually, Matthew Felix Nigel Taylor has a LOT of meaning. I mostly got it from an Indy guy I looked up to, Chuck Taylor. That's the last name I use, but I use Matthew Felix Nigel, (MFN) Whenever I was Heel alongside "WHT OUT" with Shawn Reed and Psycho Butcher Andrew Palmer.

7. Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival and why? I've had three major rivals. In order first to last being The Lone Wolf Rickey Smith, Shawn Reed, and Recently The M-O-E Moe Stegall.

8. What is your entranceTheme Music? Well I have changed it recently, it's now Two Weeks by All That Remains.

9. What makes you stand out in the wrestling business? My never give up attitude mostly. I never go down without a fight. Just like you seen a week our two ago against Moe. Another would be my youth, I also do a lot of high flying.

10. What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling.?  Proudest moment? Hmm... Learning the Canadian Destroyer, and winning my first title. Don't mean to sound belt markish, but I always wanted to be a champion as a kid.
Thanks for interviewing me Derrick, come by our show again sometime.
Matt Taylor has a long career ahead of him and I want to say thank you for Matt taking the time for doing this interview. I hope the rest of your career is what you want it to be.
Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center