10 Questions with "The Candid" "3G" Eric Wayne

Hello folks, I am sorry my posting of this interview did not fall on the day I had expected, due to being as busy as I was over the weekend.

I would like to introduce you to "3G" Eric Wayne. He is often considered "outspoken" in the wrestling world, but what some people consider "arrogance" I consider bluntness. I can not say I agree with all of Eric's thoughts and views, but I can not say that I would agree with anyone else's thoughts and views completely. If you listen to an individual, you as a person should only take away what works for you. You can discard the rest if you choose. Eric does not force you to listen, nor does he force you to believe or live what he says. He is stating what he believes and what he lives by. Right, wrong or indifferent, they are his views...

Eric is a 3rd Generation wrestler. He has laced up his boots just like his grandfather, Buddy Wayne, and father, Ken Wayne, both wrestling icons. I knew Eric's grandfather, as many others do, and know him to be just as outspoken. This is not a character flaw, it just takes people time to become accustomed to it. Eric is a skilled professional and has made his mark in the wrestling world. I have watched his matches and I have read his blogs. Eric, can be learned from. You just have to think about and use what you need, from what he is "teaching".

Please take some time and get to know "3G" Eric Wayne through the following 10 questions.

Height: 5'9"
weight: 201lbs
Years wrestling: 2 weeks shy of 8yrs Current Promotions: WOWF, Enigma

1. Why did you want to become a pro wrestler? I travelled all over the country with my father, "Nightmare" Ken Wayne. Pretty easy to get wrapped up in the sport when that happens.
2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? Other than myself, Bryan Danielson. I hate calling him by his WWE name because I've watched him since ROH and CM Punk. Both guys started at the lowest level possible and look where they are now.

3. What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why? Too many to name but most recently I toured the country on the #wrestleordietour (you can search that hashtag on several social media sites to find my experiences over this summer).. starting in Wyoming and South Dakota. Ended up in Miami, trained in Ft. Lauderdale and wrestled all over Florida for the summer.

4. What was the Coolest venue/location you have wrestled in and why? There are actually two places. One is Davis arena in OVW..those fans are loud and wild. And Fourth of July on the beach in Florida with close to 2000 people watching. As for why, did I mention I was in Florida, on the beach?

5. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled? Jerry "the King" Lawler. I pinned him, in Memphis. With my father and grandfather at ringside.

6. Is there a story behind your wrestling name? I'm a third generation wrestler. A real third generation wrestler.

7. Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival and why? Austin Lane and NXT wrestler Knuckles Madsen. Both men are the only wrestlers that come close to being on my level.

8. What is your entrance Theme Music? It's a custom made song by a studio in Memphis called "Captain Insaino"..I'm not joking.

9. What makes you stand out in the wrestling business? Other than my conditioning and appearance..I'm the only wrestler that can get away with the controversial things that I say/do. No one can compare to me, on the microphone or in the ring.

10. What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling? 1 hour graduation match and wrestling in front of Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, Fit Finlay and others before WWE tv taping

I just want to say thank you to Eric Wayne for taking the time to answer the 10 questions. Do not judge a book by its cover or even what it says on a select few pages. Take your time and examine everything. You may come out surprised and better off from some of the things you learned while reading (listening) it.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center.