10 questions with WOWF Superstar "Void"

I would like to introduce you to "Void". He is a mat technician that is equaled by few. The matches I have seen him in have been spectacular displays of ring knowledge and intensity. "Void" gives what few can to this business and that is Heart. He doesn't allow his opponents to give any less either.

Void is an experienced wrestler that has overcome his demons to make a quest to become a champion in this sport. His interviews leave you thinking and the fact that he is smaller than most he wrestles never comes into your mind due to his athleticism. He has faced numerous opponents and lately has been embroiled in a feud with Jon Michael in the WOWF for their heavyweight championship. Pound for pound "Void" is a force to be reckoned with in the wrestling world.

Please enjoy getting to know "Void" in the following 10 questions.

Height: 5'6
weight: 185
Years wrestling: 12 years
Current Promotions: currently working for WOWF

1. Why did you want to become a pro wrestler?  I can't really point to one specific person or happening that made me want to be a pro wrestler.. I can remember as far back as 1978, living in West Memphis, Arkansas, waiting until 11:00 on Saturday mornings to turn wrestling on... was never into cartoons or anything like that... never lost that feeling growing up even as all my friends were wanting to be football players, doctors, etc... I wanted to beat Ric Flair for the NWA world title in the Mid South Coliseum...

2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? My favorite wrestler, by far, is Kurt Angle... I sincerely think that he is one of the best ever.. reason being that, IMO, there isn't any era in pro wrestling that he couldn't be a star.. in the carnival days, all the way to the era of sports entertainment... he has the legit background to go with a look, he can talk, work with big guys, small guys, comedy, and so on...

3. What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why?  Best experience? Getting through my first match without throwing up... but also, working with a clear head now for the first time in the twelve years... not being an addict makes things easier to process...lol...

4. What was the Coolest venue/location you have wrestled in and why? Columbia, Tn, on lion parkway.. the venue was awesome because of the promotion itself really took care of their people from refs to the boys to the girls to the ring crew...

 5. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled? Most experienced was Tracy Smothers.. I was a year and a half in and was a mark for the guy from the get go... learned a lot from him... worked his trainee, Chase Stevens, a lot as well... Chase is a chip off that block, for sure... great talent..

6. Is there a story behind your wrestling name? I took my name from the time I was studying Ninjutsu... fighting without form is the translation...

7. Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival and why?  I was my biggest rival... every time I'd start to progress, I'd regress... fell into way too many traps, and listened to the wrong people...

8. What is your entranceTheme Music?   My intro is almost always something done by Black Label Society... No More Tears, SDMF, or Overlord are usually what I choose from...

9. What makes you stand out in the wrestling business? The fact that I am tiny compared to other guys and work a mat based style... while I do admire guys that can run spot after spot, it's not my gig... I kind of "pay homage" to the William Regal, Dean Malenko, Kurt Angle types as far as what I try to do in the ring... and now that I don't cuss every other word, my promos aren't bad either...

10. What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling.?  My proudest moment is a total mark out moment... Tracy Smothers was working a program with the late Chris Candido in another town... after a match he and I had, he sat down and told me "thanks, kid"; like he always did... he then says, "yeah..l' Ian Rotten's got me in the ring with Candido... I'm going to come through here for a few weeks and work you so I can get in shape for it".... no matter if he was just blowing my head up or not, I still went ape sh*t when he said that....

Thank you for your time and effort on answering these questions "Void" It has been my pleasure.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center