A day in the life of an Independent Wrestler

I feel that I have become part of a brotherhood and I want to write about what my new Brothers participate in, as an Independent Wrestler. It is a sad reality that wrestling Territories are not around anymore and the local circuits have been reduced to multiple shows trying to get their piece of the wrestling pie, as it were. There are multiple organizations in the area I live and I have yet to meet one wrestler that does not have the heart to be doing what they do to their bodies week in week out.

The life of an Independent wrestler on an average weekend may include one to three events. Some  shows are for pay, some just come down to volunteering the time of the wrestler and all involved in the event. There is never a complaint either way from what I have seen. The free shows, are ones that are advertised as benefits. These include fund raising for Church groups, Municipal leagues, injured people or for medical expenses. The men I have watched, do not take these events any less serious than the shows they are paid for.

Let me give you an example of what I witnessed today. The UCW wrestling company was contacted by a church organization to help raise money for helping kids at Christmas. They obliged and the event was set to occur at the Alamo National Guard armory. The deal for the wrestlers was to show up and perform. No Pay, No perks. The ring was to be ready and the place set up. Well in the world of Professional Wrestling, I have found things do not always go as planned and the luck of a black cat sometimes follows an event.  Well today the ring was not delivered at the time it was expected, due to unforeseen circumstances. Some of the wrestlers were lost due to bad GPS directions, and one wrestler on the card was due to be a no show at the last minute. Did the men running the show panic, No... They have had all of this happen before and just made the best of their time, not worrying, but sharing stories like they were at a family reunion.

As we waited the time passed and the event time ticked closer with every passing minute. The wrestlers started showing up. Friend and foe alike. They stowed there gear in the dressing room and one hour before the event was to kick off, the ring finally arrived. There was no arguing, there was no complaining. Every wrestler that was at the building pitched in and unloaded the ring. Here started the next hiccup. The ring has been put up and taken down, so things have a tendency to bend and bow and not fit correctly. Well this is what was happening as we set the ring up. Did anyone throw their hands up and say I am done, we will have to call off the event? NO SIR... The guys improvised and made the ring fit to together, not in a half assed effort, but they made it safe and usable. No complaints were heard, no stress was felt. The guys actually joked and cut up and seemed to be having just another day. Why am I writing about this you ask? Well it's because I know how I would be stressing beyond belief when things went sideways and the delays began stacking up. I wanted to let you, the fans, know a little of what happens behind the scenes before you arrive.

The event started on time and the guys, even after being involved in the setting up of the ring,( let me tell you, it is not easy work) went to their respective dressing rooms and prepared for their matches. All who were paired against each other, put on a match like they were in the main event in any house or stadium in the world. They had put any differences aside while building the Squared Circle they were going to compete in and then turned their respective attitudes around and got down to the business at hand when the bell rang for the start of their matches.

The event concluded and the same dedication that was put forth in the assembly of the ring came in to play at the time the building needed to be cleaned and the ring dismantled. No complaining, no asking why, just the sight of people doing their part to make the work happen.

Remember, this was for no pay and all the money raised was to be donated to a needy cause. I ask, would you do this on your daily job, would you sacrifice the time, the effort and the road trip just to do what you love?

Answer: Not many would do any or part of these things, but this is a day in the life of an Independent Pro Wrestler.... I want to take this time to say I am proud of all of you I watched today, who came together for a good cause, with no complaints, no disagreements and no expectation of pay. You guys are some of the best people I have met in a long time. I have met many that would not do any of this in my job, and you men are a standard that will not soon be beat. Great Job!!!

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center