SPWA results for 10/19

The night started off with Gilbert, Grymes and Grady coming out to the ring and the crowd booing him all the way. Shouts of traitor ringing in the air....he tried telling everyone that what happened to Mr.Billy last week was all our fault, that we should know he is the Champion and he wants his title back he feels cheated, that belt is his. He called the now Champion Lonnie out and he came to the stage and was hounded and screamed at by Gilbert but to no avail Lonnie kept his cool and made Gilbert look like a fool. He challenged Lonnie to a match that night and it would be career vs title match. So he accepted and it was scheduled.

Later in the evening The Dictator and Styles came out and the crowd was so angry and full of hate for this man and of course he brought out his kendo stick with him....Thankfully before he could really get going music came on and the crowd went crazy as it belonged to Cowboy Don Bass, he came out in gear and carrying a guitar a new one and he was headed straight for Harold he was gonna wear that head out again, but before he got that chance he was jumped from behind by a bunch of goons from the back, they were all over him and attacking him over and over and I finally couldn't take it anymore so I jumped in the middle of the brawl trying to pull them off of him, screaming at them to STOP your gonna kill him or put him back in the hospital, but the Dictator grabbed me by the hair and slung me to the floor but I just got up and kept going at them, thankfully Allen came running out and chased them out but Don was hurt and bleeding and had to be carried out on a stretcher.

Jade and Diana had a match next, their first in almost four weeks since the last one which was extremely heated so we were all excited to see this one and all I can say is WOW what a match, It was really going good and Jade had the upper hand and from out of no where Gilbert and Grady come flying to the ring and Jade moved out of their way. They helped Diana up causing a DQ in the match and Jade thought she was in for it...all of a sudden they attacked Diana and Jade turned and helped she was in on it the whole time, while they were beating Diana down the crowd was stunned and Alex came running from the back with a chair to get them off Diana but he was out of luck as Gilbert took the chair away from him and gave him a blistering back shot and both were laid out in the middle of the ring. Its hard to imagine how these two, who have been nothing but a thorn in our sides had their whole world turned upside down and now we want them to take out the enemy now which is Jade and Gilbert and Grymes and Grady!!! I say Go Diana and Alex show up what you are made of!!!

We had a new era come out Saturday night and they call themselves The Law Dogs they are with the Sheriff's Department and they say they are there to rid the place of all the unwanted people, they inducted Southern Pride and KD Kraze into the group. Who can tell where this is gonna lead.


TN Brawler vs John in Hardcore Match.
Brawler was finished off with a concrete block on his midsection being broken in two with a sledge hammer and John took the win.

We saw a new tag team called the Nacho Brothers take on Geno and Cyrus. Geno/Syrus took this match.

Diana vs Lady Champion Jade: No winner DQ See above story

Nick vs Southern Pride...Wonderful to see our long lost member Southern Pride again and this was a great match but with Gilberts help Nick took the win.

AC vs Donnie: Donnie took a hit on this one as AC took the win

Chazz/Nathan vs Law Dogs: No winner match ended in a DQ

Gilbert vs Lonnie: Career vs Title.
This was a great match but ole Lonnie pulled a fast one, while Gilbert was distracted by Mr. Billy on the stage he switched places with his twin Donnie who was fresh and ready to go so when Michael got back in the ring Donnie nailed him knocked him out and got a quick 3 count. Lonnie kept the belt and Gilbert doesnt have a career...lol Mr Billy played him a fitting song: Hit The Road Jack...

What in the world can happen next week?? Around this place who knows all we do know is it is exciting and wild, come on out and get in on the action with us. We would love to see you