10 questions with The infamous Xander Legend

The following interview is with someone that I can say has a "Unique" character, even in the world where character is what will make you remembered, feared or forgotten. Xander is outspoken, sometimes brash, but he tells you what he wants you to know from the hip, so to speak. He is often times hated in the ring but he is very entertaining to say the least. Xander does not speak for WNC in any form as to his opinions expressed in this interview. A portion was removed due to claims By  Xander in reference to someone he has had differences with. I am sorry, but with nothing to substantiate Xander's claims I felt it necessary. I am sorry Xander.  Please enjoy the 10 Questions answered by Xander Legend.

1. Why did you want to become a pro wrestler?   I became a pro wrestler because growing up i was always told I was to small, to little, and not athletic enough. I was doubted my entire life. I wanted to be able to entertain the fans, and give them my best every time I hit the ring, making sure everyone leaves with what they paid for.
2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why?  My favorite wrestler will always be The Macho Man Randy Savage. You talk about flash and appeal, it was the macho man. He had everything you needed in a superstar, plus he didn't mind speaking his mind. (BE A MAN HULK). Rip Mach.

3. What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why? My best experience was being the referee for the match where Skyler Devins, Buckwild Bill, and "The One" Billy Gunn vs Big Boy Bob, Leroy, and Showtime Daniel Thomas. Of course I was a part of "Showtime" Daniel Thomas's team but it was just a lot of fun.  I respect everyone in that ring that night more then I do 90% of the people I've came across. But the whole match was fun, we all worked together plus I got to attack Billy Gunn.

4. What was the Coolest venue/location you have wrestled in and why? The coolest place I ever worked was when I did a seminar with Bret Hart in Nashville with the Crossfire Promotion. I didn't win the contest or get to work on the show but just the atmosphere and all these names I've seen on TV were there and pumped. It gave me chills and let me know that one day, it's my goal to make it to the top of the sport.

5. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled? Known was Bret Hart, wrestled was Big Daddy V (King Mable). Much respect to both these two giants.

6. Is there a story behind your wrestling name? I Got the name Xander Legend because my real name is Alexander, and I always hated the name Alex. I got Legend because I Came across a guy in high school and he had heard about all the crazy Shenanigans I had done growing up, and he called me a "Legend" so I put two and two together, Boom, Xander Legend.

7. Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival and why? Work wise it's Bric Bradley. We had a fued that just went forever, back and fourth. He'd be good I'd be bad, I'd be good he'd be bad. Great worker, great friend. I learned a lot from him. "Shoot" wise Danny Ice. I can not stand that piece of garbage.  ( Further comments could not be posted about this feud, due to unsubstantiated claims...)

8. What is your entrance Theme Music? It changes with the charector you get. If a company accidently deletes it I change it to give the crowd a sudden shock appeal. The last one I used was Love me by Justin Bieber.

9. What makes you stand out in the wrestling business? If it's not my loud mouth, it's my fuzzy pink boots, and MVP Pink type gear. I consider myself more of an entertainer because of how small I am, but I'm a fighter, and I'll do anything in a match. I love hardcore things to.

10. What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling? Taking the Diamond Cutter from DDP with one of my best friends "Showtime" Daniel Thomas. Talk about star struck, and I'm in the ring with Diamond Dallas Page. This ICON in the ring and talking trash to him.

Thank you for your time and candid words, Mr Legend. I hope your career is everything you hope to make it.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center