10 Questions with P.K. Ripper Independent Wrestling Superstar.

You all have read many of my other 10 Question interviews. In them I call the Wrestler's Superstars. Some have asked, why are you calling an Independent wrestler a Superstar? I find this to have an obvious answer, They are! A person who goes out week in and week out, sometimes two to three times a week, sometimes for no pay, gets that moniker in my mind. The shows they work are on less of a grand scale than say WWE, or TNA, but you have to realize they are not funded by Billionaires either...

In my ongoing travels in the wrestling circle, I was able to meet a man that stood out from the crowd of wrestlers in the dressing room. He is in great shape, but it was not his size that made him stand out. It was his almost 8 inch tall, bright red Mohawk. It made him appear taller than he actually was, and immediately made you wonder, who is that masked man? He covers his face, not due to disfigurement, but the style of his character. He is an accomplished ring technician and teaches those that want to learn the sport. In my meeting with him, he was respectful and soft spoken, but he completely changed when he entered the ring. His actions spoke louder than words and it was a pleasure to watch him execute his craft. I would like to introduce P.K. Ripper, the Independent wrestling Superstar. He travels frequently around the Mid South area and he is currently tagging with Jett Hero, a student he brought into this sport. If you see his name on a card, it will be well worth the time to go and see him.

Please enjoy the answers to the 10 Questions.

Height: 5'7''
weight: 185
 Years wrestling: 18
 Current Promotions: A.A.W.- R.C.W.- S.P.W.A.- O.W.O.- P.K.A.W.
    1. Why did you want to become a pro wrestler? I've been a fan of pro wrestling since I could remember. A lot of the guys who I work out with now, are the same guys I've watched on Saturday television growing up. I had a lot of trouble finding myself in the first couple of years...what I wanted to do with my life, which direction to take.

    2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? The first guy that comes to mind is Dusty Rhodes. The American Dream had it all. He was everything, for every fan. Back in the day, he could talk a streak, no doubt about it. Like a Southern Baptist minister shouting the word of God at a traveling tent revival, Dusty had the ability to move people, to make them feel everything that he said. He brought pro wrestling drama to a whole new level with every promo that he cut. There are so many guys in the business today who would kill to have just a tenth of the natural charismatic ability on the mic that Dusty had.

    3. What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why? Wow, do you realize what your asking of me? 18years.....I sit here thinking and I cant pinpoint just one thing.  Because every time I step near a ring is a great experience for me. No matter if I'm learning or teaching, its the best feeling in the world knowing its time to entertain the fans.

    4. What was the Coolest venue/location you have wrestled in and why? I've been jumping all over the place these last few years, and I'm sure your asking about permanent house show's and not just one time venues. So as far as having it all together to have a great show, it would be R.C.W. (Ripley, Tn) but as far as talent, I would have to give it to A.A.W. in Dyersburg tn. great group of guys.

    5. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled? I have worked with alot of great workers all over. I have been in the locker room with some great stars. With me being face, I never get to work them. I would have to say the most experienced or well known person I have wrestled, hands down would be Motley Cruz!!!

    6. Is there a story behind your wrestling name? Yes ( Writer's note: P.K. did not elaborate on this further by omission or not wanting to provide the information is not known)

    7. Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival and why? Jett Hero!!! I know you have  heard of teacher vs student. Well, some of you know and some don't, but when you train a kid and they really want to learn, they tend to try and out do there teachers. So as soon as Jett felt he didn't need anymore training, he quickly turned heel and came after his teacher, ME!... But after a long hard fought battle, he came around and now we are one of the most exciting tag teams around! "JETTRIPPER"

    8. What is your entrance Theme Music? Intro was made for me by: MADSON

    9. What makes you stand out in the wrestling business? My skill and charisma of course... and having a cool red mohawk helps...

    10. What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling.? I would have to say watching my greatest student Jett Hero follow in his fathers path.

    Thank you P.K. for the time you spent on these 10 Questions. I wish you nothing but the best in your career path.

    Derrick O'Dell
    Wrestling News Center