10 Questions with Erik Hayes WOWF Superstar

Well, folks, I thought I was going to be out of the 10 question business when I made my change in where I hang my wrestling hat. Fortunately this was not the case. I have been contacted by a few people that actually said they liked what I was doing, and so I am going to continue to write these segments as long as I receive responses for the local Superstars of the Independent and not so Independent wrestling world.

I would like to introduce you to Erik Hayes. I met Erik about four months ago and I really appreciate what he has given to the sport. I hope these few questions, will allow you, The Fan, to recognize Erik and when he is on a local card in your area, go out and see him.

Height: 5'8
weight: 250 lbs
Years wrestling: 15 years
Current Promotions: WOWF, PWE

1. Why did you want to become a pro wrestler?    My dad has wrestled all my life, so wrestling was all I ever knew growing up. So, what better to do than, follow in my dads footsteps.

2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? . Cowboy James Storm. He is a beer drinker and so am I. I have just always enjoyed his work.

3. What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why?  My best experience was the first Tag Team Championship I won with my brother.

4. What was the Coolest venue/location you have wrestled in and why? The coolest venue for me would have to be Memphis tv on UPN30 and CW30.

 5. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled? Shane Douglas and Cowboy James Storm.

6. Is there a story behind your wrestling name? No story behind my name, it is my real name.

7. Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival and why? Gaylon Ray. We have known each other our whole lives, since he grew up around the business too. We were partners around this area for a long time and then he turned his back on me.

8. What is your entrance Theme Music?  Whiskey in my soul by Moonshine Bandits.

9. What makes you stand out in the wrestling business? I'm a fairly big guy but I can still fly as much as I can mat wrestle.

10. What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling.?  My proudest moment in the wrestling business is actually two different things. My brother deciding he wanted to wrestle and us tagging up with our dad and uncle(The Dazzlers).

I want to Thank Erik for his time and wish him nothing but the best in his future endeavors.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center