Big Jim Business, A way of saying Thank You...

I have been asked, why in your writings haven't you mentioned Big Jim Business? Don't you know he has been a part of the Mid south wrestling scene and what role he has played in the wrestling world as a whole? I can only answer these questions with, I am sorry to have overlooked a man that many feel has played a roll in their becoming better, due to just meeting him.

Big Jim Business has been involved in the wrestling scene for 20+ years. He has been in many local "federations" and mentored countless young wrestlers, managers and referee's alike. Big Jim is sometimes loved and sometimes hated by the fans. The ones that love him, love to hate him. He has made life hard on a lot of wrestlers as well, but all in all he does make a difference.

Big Jim Business has rubbed elbows with many of the legends in the wrestling world, not only as a fan, but as a colleague and friend. The list of names is to long to mention, but the alumni have wrestled in WWE, WCW,  ECW  and almost any Independent  promotion known. The likes of the Rock N Roll Express, Kamala, Terry Funk, Bobby Eaton, Jerry Lawler and KoKo Ware just to name a few.

A man with this type of background gains respect, not because it is owed to him for the time he has put in, but he gains respect of his peers because he earns it every time he enters a building. He is know for his generous nature and helpful attitude. Things that you would think are common place, but sometimes are sadly lacking in this day and age. Big Jim believes in tradition and tries to pass on what he knows to the young men and women just coming up in this sport. I have yet to hear someone that does not respect the work ethic of Big Jim, well minus some fans, but he does his job and they even have to respect that.

I interviewed Eric Teas about , Jim, and was taken by how much he respects what he believes Jim has done for him in his career. Eric told me that he met Jim over 6 years ago as a green referee, just trying to make his way in the wrestling business. Eric credits Jim with giving him the knowledge and know how to make every match count and Eric believes, If he had not met Jim when he did, he would not be the referee he is today.

I write this column to say Thank you to Big Jim Business for all that you have given to the Wrestling business as a whole and I hope that you continue to give out your knowledge so that the tradition of this business can be continued by future stars.

The following pictures are just a few of the Superstars Big Jim Business has worked with over the years and calls friends.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center