10 Questions with UCW, Union City, Tn., Wrestling Superstar "Mr Everything" Anton Leveigh.

Hello folks, Today it is my pleasure to introduce you to UCW Wrestling Superstar Anton Leveigh. No not that "That One", explained later in questions and answers. He is a 9 year veteran and has made the rounds in multiple organizations plying his trade. Anton can be described as a risk taker, innovator and well rounded Wrestler. I have had the pleasure of watching him perform in the ring, and I am never disappointed in his skills.

Anton's Current Promotion is UCW (Ultimate Combat Wrestling) in Union City, Tn. He has made his name known there and is currently in contention for the Heavyweight Championship. Anton has held many regional titles as well in his career.

Anton has a passion for this sport and the business as well. Anton takes time and trains with younger Wrestler's to hone their skills in and out of the ring. This is a tough business. It takes time and effort to gain the respect of others. Anton has shown he deserves the respect he is given.

I would like to say to you, take time a read the answers to the 10 questions below. It will give you an insight in to Anton beyond the Name "Anton Leveigh" and the stigma that surrounds it.

Height 5' 10"
Weight 200lbs
Years in business 9 years pro
Current Wrestling Organization  UCW Union City, Tn

1) Why did you want to become a pro wrestler?   Well, from as far back as I can remember, wrestling has always been in some fashion  a part of my life.  I knew it was something I wanted to do. I loved the physical aspect and the entertainment value.I knew I had to be apart of that.

2) Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? As far as Tv, my favorite has to be C.M Punk. And why??? Well call me a "mark" but he is the best in the world lol. No, I'm not just a fan of Punk just from WWE.  I've followed him for a while before hand and I've always kinda related to him..

3) What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why?  Hmmm... That's really hard to narrow down but out of all the shows I've done and the many experiences I've been fortunate to have, I'd have to say that meeting my wife has been the best. I met her at a show when I was 18. She was 16 and happened to show up by chance.. She was never a fan of wrestling, but got invited by some friends that night and decided to go. She came up to my table and asked for an autograph and well the rest is history

4)What was the Coolest venue/location you have wrestled in and why? I would have to say the coolest location would have to be the Zemora Temple in Birmingham Alabama for "Wrestle Birmingham". The place looks like Aladdin's palace lol

5) Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled? I would have to say that's a three way toss from Dangerous Doug and both Rock n Roll Express members

6) Is there a story behind your wrestling name? lol boy does it!! lol...  Anton LeVay was the founder and leader ( up til he died ) of the satanic church. Even tho I spell it differently. People do actually know who he was, and I have caught "HEAT" for it... I love it! ( the "heat" from the name) I've been asked a few times to change it and I never do.  lol. I worked for churches, Christian events and things of that sort many times before .They knew full well what my name is and what it's from. They didn't have a single problem. But I do love the attention I get from it .

7)Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival and why? I have to give that one to Brandon Barbwire that boy can go. I love working with him

What is your entrance Theme Music?  "Undead" by Hollywood Undead

9) What makes you stand out in the wrestling business? I stand out because I make myself stand out . I think my attitude and ego help a lot also.  You have to carry yourself as a pro! With that said,  people seem to always gravitate toward me. Because of this, I try and help wherever I can .

10) What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling.? NRG v The Swag Boys. We all knew that "Biscuit" was having some heart trouble weeks before our blow off match. So we came up with a finish that would shock everyone. The finish being, "Biscuit" would climb to the top of the water pipes going across the top of the building when it was time to go home. (Nobody knew our finish not the ref the booker, Nobody. Just us) So we are going home, he climbs the pipes and I got on the top rope. "Biscuit" jumps and I hit a "zig zag" mid air. We bump, and he starts selling his chest like he's having a heart attack. We stop the match... His mom was n a panic.  All the boys came out by the ring and were worried, and I'm screaming "I'm sorry, I'm sorry". I walked up to Biscuit to check on him AND BAM HE ROLLS ME UP 123!! It was amazing.

I want to thank Anton for his candid answers. I also wish him nothing but the best in his career.

Derrick O"Dell
Wrestling News Center