10 Questions with PWE Superstar Officer Jason Rage

Today I interviewed a man, that some would say, is not what an officer should compared to. I am not here to wage a Q and A on this topic. I am however very glad he was professional enough to answer the 10 questions that I have placed before him and other PWE Superstars in an attempt to see what really makes them click. I want to introduce, one of the largest men on the PWE roster and a formidable opponent for anyone in the wrestling world, Officer Jason Rage. I as a writer, can compare my self with Jason due to similar backgrounds. We are both from Detroit Michigan, We both have backgrounds in Law Enforcement and we are both Generally misunderstood. I can say That Jason is a professional in what he does and it was a pleasure to call him, what many will not, a friend.

This interview will finish up my current run of interviews with PWE Superstars. I hope they have been interesting and informative. I hope that you, as a fan, have been able to see what makes these men tick and gives you an insight as to why they do what they do.
    Height: 6'1

  • weight: 299

  • Years wrestling: 2 years


  • 1. Why did you want to become a pro wrestler? Pro Wrestling has been my dream since I was very young. I recall being in elementary school carrying around a stack of old wrestling magazines dated back to the late 1980's, this was my motivation.

  • 2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? Ric Flair and Brock Lesnar are on my short list, but my favorite would have to be the Undertaker. The reason being, is because of his dedication. I think he has the best character in the business.

  • 3. What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why? Winning the PWE Tag Titles has to be at the top of my list in the ring. Meeting a wonderful woman that I am currently dating is the best outside the ring.

  • 4. What was the Coolest venue/location you have wrestled in and why? PWE ALL ACTION WRESTLING Arena in Union City, TN. That Arena will always be home.

  • 5. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled? Kamala jr, Jon Micheal, Kilo, tand he list goes on. Nothing but respect for them.

  • 6. Is there a story behind your wrestling name? Growing up, because of my personality, I guess I have acquired the nick name "Rage". In and out of school. So I figured with my occupation, I would go with who I am. Officer Jason Rage.

  • 7. Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival and why? For the longest time, up until a few months ago it was "Showtime" Daniel Thomas. There is a history, that goes way back to the old WOW days when he had “Team Showtime” (a group which I was apart of) jump and beat me with “Showtime's” briefcase. I was very dedicated to “Team Showtime” and I felt very disrespected. That was the start of our rivalry, but after almost two years and many apologies later from “Showtime”, I felt I could forgive him because he is a good guy, who made me money and has turned into a great friend.

  • 8 What is your entrance Theme Music? Bad Boys -Bob Marley

  • 9. What makes you stand out in the wrestling business? I would say my size, power, having all my teeth, and becoming one half of the PWE All Action Wrestling Tag Team Champions with “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony.

  • 10. What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling.? The beatings we gave to the team “State of Shock” with a belt and watching them squirm as they rolled around on the ground in agonizing pain. This is what I do. This is Officer Jason Rage!
Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center