10 Questions with ICAW Star Sarah Summers

I was fortunate enough to meet a very sweet lady outside of the ring, but when she is indie the ring the sweetness runs off and she is ready to fight. The two occasions I saw her wrestle she kept her opponents in check and did not make an east way for them. I would like to introduce you to Sarah Summers. She is mainly based around Southern Illinois but is open for travel.

Height: 5'3"
Weight: Never ask a lady...
Years wrestling: 2



1. Why did you want to become a pro wrestler?   I was always attracted to the showmanship and athletic combination. Its a fascinating sport.

2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? Anyone who knows me knows the late Curt Henning "Mr. Perfect" is my favorite! He carried himself with a ridiculous amount of confidence and was always near flawless in the ring and on the microphone.

3. What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why? The best experience? That's a tough one, I've had so many great experiences. I guess I'll have to go with getting to meet and wrestle Miss Natural. Its been the highlight of my career thus far.

4. What was the Coolest venue/location you have wrestled in and why? Coolest venue/location I've been in was the SIU ballroom for PWC, simply because it was a packed house. Performing in front of so many fans was quite a thrill

 5. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled? Tracy Smothers, hands down

6. Is there a story behind your wrestling name? There is a story. I'm a "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" nerd. Sarah (Michelle Gellar). (Buffy) Summers.

7. Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival and why? Alexxa Flood in ICAW is by far my biggest and longest feud. Almost a year long.

8. What is your entrance Theme Music?  Fat Bottomed Girls.

9. What makes you stand out in the wrestling business? I'm not a typical "cookie cutter" female wrestler. I have curves ans I have a big personality to match!

10. What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling.?   Becoming the 1st ever womens champion at ICAW in sept 2012.

Thank you Ms Summers, I hope you have a long and great career.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center