Bonus 10 Questions with "The Best Ref Left" Eric Teas

This interview will not be what you would expect. It is not an interview with a "Wrestler" but none the less, he is very important in the ring as and Wrestler. If it were not for him, there would be true chaos in the ring and pretty much no reason to watch the two men do battle against each other. His name is Eric "The Best Ref Left" Teas. He is a referee's referee. He keeps the match going and watches out for all those involved. I have watched many referees over my lifetime in watching wrestling, and in my opinion Eric is at the top of a short list of referee's in this area.

When I first started covering Wrestling in this area, Eric was actually the first person to make me feel welcome.. He has a natural ability to make you feel at home and as part of the team. This is a quality  that I have tried to learn from and extend to others as I interact with other organizations. The Nick name Eric has came from people, who actually are his fans, Yes, Referee's have Fans too.... Please enjoy the following 10 Questions and get to know a good friend of mine, Eric Teas.

Height: 5' 6"
Weight:  158 lbs of pure sexines
Years in wrestling: 6 years
Current Promotions: PWE/AAW and WOWF

1. Why did you want to become a pro wrestling referee?  I was introduced to pro wrestling by my mother when I was 8 years old, watching Big Time Wrestling out of Portland, Oregon. I was hooked on it every Saturday. I just didn't know how to get into the business back then, and then 6 years ago  I met Spider and J.R. Rich who ran I.C.W.A. in Henry TN. They got me involved in behind the scenes of the show, setting up the ring, chairs, concessions and things like that. The ref at the show had to have foot surgery a week before our show and next thing I knew, I was in the ring being trained as a referee, and I have been one ever since.
2.Who is your Favorite Wrestler and why? I get asked this question a lot, and I have never been able to pin it down to just "one" wrestler. So I answer that question this way, in WWE Shawn Michaels, hands down. In the wrestlers around this area there are several I want to mention. "Buck Wild" Bill, "All American Nightmare" Hayze , Jon Michael, Jason Rage, Kilo, John Roberts, T.J. O'riely, Chris Hayes, Erik Hayes, Ricky Hayes, Mike Dial, Brad Badd, Bull Bronson and many more. There is a lot of great talent. Very hard for me to pick just one.

3. What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why? Meeting the fans. I would honestly have to say that meeting the fans face to face, handshake to handshake, or even a hug, its the fans that makes the difference. 

4. What was the Coolest venue/location you have Refereed in and why? Wowf in Newbern TN. They got it going on. I love the layout, the Titantron, and the people who put it all together every week. Very professional setting.

5. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled? I have Ref'd many matches with a lot of wrestlers from all over this area and from surrounding states. Kilo and Hayze were always my favorites to work with, although there are many others, but Kilo and Hayze were first to come to mind.

6. Is there a story behind your wrestling Referee nickname? No story, its my real name. Eric Teas. I have been told by fans that I am "The Best Ref Left" I,m just glad my parents didn't name me Richard Because sometimes I get called the short version of that name enough...

7. Who over the years has been your Biggest Rival and why?  Rivals? really? seriously? here man, put on these glasses, cant you see my stripes on my shirt? Everyone is my Rival...

8. What is your entrance Theme Music? Autograph "turn up the radio". When I was a DJ at a radio station, I played that song at the beginning of every show I did. I just love that song, gets my hyped up.

9. What makes you stand out in the wrestling business? Come see me at a show and I will show you. That's the best way I can answer that question.

10. What has been your Proudest Moment in the sport of wrestling.? Meeting Diamond Dallas Page. He was one of my childhood heroes. Yeah, that was pretty awesome just sitting down like one of the guys and just talking to him. Awesome guy.

Thank you for your time Eric. It is always a pleasure to talk or chat, if you will, with you.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center.