UCW Results from Halloween Clash 2 Oct 26th In Union City, Tn

The night was set to be exciting from the first mention of the card. Scheduled to appear were Bill Dundee and Brian Christopher in special matches during the evening. Unfortunately there were circumstances beyond the control of UCW management and Mr Dundee did not make his appearance. However Grandmaster Sexy Brian Christopher did...

The crowd was hot and excited. The anticipation grew as bell time drew near. It was almost like you struck a match to a fuse when the opening match bell rang.

Match 1- Jon Hall Vs Zach O'Brien. Jon Hall is an intimidating individual and was a sheer test for the much younger opponent Zach. The two engaged in a brawl that resulted in Zach losing control of the match for the first few minutes. Zach was able to come back to the point , Jon Hall pulled out a pair of metal knuckles to take the win. Unfortunately for Jon he missed his opportunity to use the knuckles and Zach hit Jon with "The Sour Face drop" and took the win.

Match 2- Tag Team Championship match. Challengers, The Hooligans Vs J.P. Fantastic 1/2 of the "Sons of the South" Tag Team Champions. J.P.'s partner B.B. was out of action with an injury and beyond better judgment, J.P. decided to defend the championships himself instead of giving them up. The Hooligans relished in the favor they had just received with the two on one odds. J.P. tried to give the Hooligans the best he could but he was overcome by the sheer strength in numbers by the Hooligans. It was not J.P.'s night to stay a Champion and the Hooligans took the Tag Team Titles home. Terry Wayne and Adison Caine, The Hooligans are in for a long road as the tag team challengers are starting to line up with them in their sites.

Match 3- Big Red and Jay Moore Vs Sexy Sarge and Jason the Brain. Loser of the match receives 10 lashes. The special referee for the match, OZ. Oz had just made his return tonight in a surprise twist. He was to referee the match down the middle and agreed to do so with both teams. The match started as expected with a fight. The two teams have had a long running animosity against each other and it was supposed to be finished tonight. This did not come to pass as OZ had other plans. In a treacherous attack on Sarge OZ hit him with a Stunner and allowed Sarge to be covered for the 1...2...3... This meant Sarge was due to receive 10 Lashes. OZ was chosen to dish out the punishment. One loud strike with the belt was all OZ got on Sarge when he was stopped by Lil Bit, Sarge's old friend. Thankfully she put her safety on the line to come in for the save. This lead to Lil Bit being given a match against OZ.

Match 4- Oz Vs Lil Bit. Oz is no stranger to controversy and apparently had no problem taking a fight to a girl. Don't get me wrong Lil Bit is tough and can hold her own and she Proved it tonight. OZ did his dead level best to put Lil Bit Down, but his plans did not work. Lil Bit was able to take OZ down a notch with her high flying style. When she attempted to pin OZ, Jay Moore Interfered. This Cost OZ the Match but he actually won the battle as Lil Bit was manhandled until Sarge returned the favor and saved her with the help of Jason the Brain.

Match 5_ Triple threat match for the UCW Heavyweight Championship. Champion Chris Rocker vs Houston VS Anton Leveigh. Wow what a match it was so full of action you needed three sets of eyes to watch the whole thing. Inside the ring, outside the ring, flying off the top ropes to multiple stunners being delivered. The match was not able to be called until Ricky Andrews came to the ring and spit something into Anton's eyes which allowed Houston to throw his patented boot to the face of Anton for the win. Anton was not happy with the loss and Ricky Andrews will have to pay for his deeds. New UCW Champion Houston.

Match 6- "Southern Perfection" Gaylon Ray Vs Grand Master Sexy Brian Christopher in a fan strap match. This match was not scientific, it was not an exhibition of high flying moves. It was a plain fight and the object was to throw your opponent out of the ring so that the fans around the ring, with leather Straps, could exact punishment to that person. I have no particular love for Gaylon Ray, But he was hit so many times by the fans with the leather I actually began to felt sorry for him. The pain he withstood just made the fans grow louder and Gaylon grow smaller as he tried to get away from the fans each time he hit the floor. A well placed Super Kick to the jaw by Brian Christopher put Gaylon temporarily out of his misery until he woke up and was chased to the dressing area by Brian Christopher and his own strap. Brian Christopher declared the winner.

Please enjoy the following pictures taken on the night of this great event.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center