10 Questions with "The Voice of Pro Wrestling" Jay Moore UCW Superstar

Well Folks another day and another Independent SuperStar to interview. Today I will be giving you Jay "The Voice of Pro Wrestling and UCW" Moore. He is the current Manger of UCW Champion, Chris Rocker. Jay has been in the thick of things In UCW for some time know is not one to side step controversy. Heck, I would say Jay invites it. He has done quite a bit in this Sport considering his short time in it.

Jay will be my first UCW Superstar interview and I will have many more to come. Jay has several good reasons why he got into the sport and I will let him explain it to you in the next 10 Questions.

Name Jay Moore “The Voice of Pro Wrestling”

Height 5’8

Weight 190

Years in Wrestling Year and a half

Current Promotions UCW

  1. Why did you want to become a Pro Wrestler?

I grew up watching the old Memphis wrestling. I would watch the crowd, and see how they reacted to the wrestlers. The wrestlers would have the crowd in the palms of their hands. It was like they were bigger than life. One of the biggest reasons I wanted to get into this business was the fact that very few people can do it. Even fewer can do it correctly.

  1. Who is your favorite wrestler and why?

My all-time favorite wrestler was and still to this day is Jerry “The King” Lawler. Every kid in the south loved Lawler. Whether it was him beating these big names stars that walked into Memphis, or throwing fire at someone, he always won in the end. I was also a huge Eddie “HotStuff” Gilbert fan. Talk about someone that was before their time, and left way too soon. If any of you haven’t heard of Eddie Gilbert, please smack yourself and go YouTube him. Him and Lawler had hall of fame matches. If you look at the tag team division I loved The British Bulldogs and The Fabulous Ones. Teams like that don't come around too often.

  1. What is the best experience in or out of the ring you have had in pro wrestling and why?

I think one of the coolest experiences I have had so far was sitting backstage and talking with “The SuperStar” Bill Dundee. We talked about everything. It’s one thing to read an article or even a book, but to sit there and listen to the stories this legend has is unbelievable. We must have talked for 2 hours. He is a class act in and out of the ring. Also having a WWE Hall-of-Famer sit me down and give me pointers, like Jimmy Hart did. I mean, I grew up watching these two legends on tv, now I’m sitting here talking with them. Talk about an experience.

  1. What was the coolest venue/location you have wrestled in and why?

I have two coolest venues. The first one was the time Rhikishi and Brian Christopher came to UCW. You couldn’t put another person in that building. It showed me and everyone else that Union City loves it Professional Wrestling. The other was going with Sarge to Arkansas over the 4th of July and working in front of close to 5,000 people. That is something I will never forget.

  1. Who is the most experienced or well known person you have wrestled?

Jimmy Hart is the first person that comes to mind. Here is a WWE Hall-of-Famer, working with me. Never in a million years did I think something like that would happen to me. I have also worked with Bill Dundee, Doug Gilbert, Brian Christopher, Rhikishi, and Ryan Howell. But I think the one that sticks out would be Jimmy Hart. What a first class professional, but an even better person.

  1. Is there a story behind your wrestling name?

No, its the only “Nice” name people actually call me.

  1. Who over the years has been your biggest rival and why?

One of my biggest rivals has always been Big Red. He and I have had a lot of wars. I tried everything to end his career, but he kept coming back for more. Also Houston has always been a thorn in my side. I’m pretty sure you could throw him off the St. Louis Arch, and he would get up and still fight you.

  1. What is you entrance theme music?

My entrance music is actually 3 different songs mashed up into one. I have to give ALL the credit to the best music man in the business, and that’s C.J. Miller. This guy works non-stop on wrestler’s music. I’m pretty sure he never sleeps, because he is always trying to improve UCW stars entrance music. He took Ugly Kid Joe’s “I Hate Everything”, Twiztid “Whoop!Whoop!” and Lakutis “I’m Better Than Everybody”.

  1. What makes you stand out in the wrestling business?

I think my knowledge of wrestling history is a big thing. So many young wrestlers today think that wrestling started with the WWF Attitude Era. Which was great, don’t get me wrong. But they need to really go research the past to have a great future. Also with over 19 years in the military, having respect is very important to me. Respect cannot be taught. The people that came before me deserve that respect. When someone comes up to me to offer advice, I know how to shut my mouth and listen. It can only make you better. Also my ability to speak. I know it doesn’t sound like a big deal, but it really is. If you cannot get your point across to the fans, then you are wasting everyone’s time.

  1. What has been your proudest moment in the sport of wrestling?

Each time I get to perform of a crowd is my proudest moment. Every time someone tells me they enjoyed the show, it’s my proudest moment. When any of the wrestlers tell me I did a good job, that’s my proudest moment. When I look at a kid, and they boo me, that’s my proudest moment. I want to do what the wrestlers and managers did before me, and that’s remember its truly about the WRESTLING FAN. It’s not about the money or the power. It’s giving back to a sport that I have loved my entire life. Trying to pass that torch on to some kid in the crowd that might dream of being in the ring one day. The wrestling fan is the best fan of any sport. They will support or boo you with every ounce of energy they have. They will come to the show rain, sleet, or snow. They will come out and put down their hard earned money for their local wrestling promotion. The least we can do is give them their moneys worth. At Ultimate Combat Wrestling, every wrestler gives everything they have for the fans. UCW is “The BattleZone”, but it is also “The Fan Zone”, because we love and appreciate every person that walks into our building. They are the true stars of the show. They give us the energy to excite or anger them. With that, I want to say to every wrestling fan, thank you for supporting your local wrestling company. If you haven’t been to UCW, come and see what we are about. Every Saturday Night at 308 South First Street, Union City, TN. Doors open at 6:30pm, and belltime is 8:00pm.

Thank you Jay for your time and insight into you and the Wrestling world. May you have continued success.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center