SPW Selmer, Tn Results Oct 12th Events every Saturday Night

I was invited to come and check out SPW in Selmer, Tn. Saturday night Oct 12th. They run a weekly event and are full of young aspiring talent. I was treated to a great card of wrestling. It varied from high flying to mat wrestling. The SPW is a family friendly atmosphere with a bit of an edge, I believe due to the youthful element. I was impressed by the professionalism of the staff and the fans were friendly as well.

On to the match results, since that is why you want to read this blog anyway.:

Match 1- Christian Shane Vs Patrick Smith. The two wrestlers were equal on physical ability, but the size and height weighed in favor of Christian Shane. For those who do not know, Christian Shane is 1/2 of the SPW Tag Champions with Kid Thunder. Wrestling Hold for hold was the game for the match. Patrick was able to obtain a slight advantage with a stiff drop kick to the chin and a Monkey flip out of the corner on Shane. Patrick seemed to have Christian at a disadvantage until Christian caught Patrick off guard near the ropes and began to choke the energy out of his opponent. Patrick came back and it appeared he was about to win the match, when the referee was distracted by Christian's Tag partner, Kid Thunder. While the referee was distracted Christian caught Patrick unaware and scored the win.

Match 2- Kid Thunder Vs "Bones". Kid Thunder is 1/2 of the Tag Champions with  Christian Shane. I know you are thinking, it's close to Halloween and SPW brought in a costumed character. Well that was not the case. Bones is a veteran wrestler who for better words, is thinner than most. But do not let his size fool you, Bones is quick and surprisingly strong. Kid Thunder is a youthful pro who has many years in the sport ahead of him. His skills serve him well but as he progresses in the sport they will surely shine. Bones was taken from pillar to post by Kid Thunder due to Thunder's power, But Bones was able to hold Thunder back and came close to a victory. The only thing that derailed Bones plan was Christian Shane interfered, costing Bones the match.

Due to the interference in the matches by Christian Shane and Kid Thunder, They were ordered by SPW management to face Bones and Patrick Smith in a tag match later in the evening, but it was for a chance to show Shane and Thunder they could hold their own, no titles on the line.

Match 3- SPW Heavyweight Champion Dan Matthews Vs Austin Carrier. Dan was challenged by a mountain of a young man. The powerful competitor was able to hold Dan's mat skills at bay for only a portion of the match. Dan is a technician and was able to  chip away at the challengers power with holds that weakened the major muscle groups. Dan is also more experienced than the youngster and was able to use the challengers size against him with a final Side walk slam for the win. If you look at Austin you will see that this was quite a feat of strength. Dan retains the Championship.

Match 4- Thunder and Shane Vs Bones and Patrick Shane. The match started fast and furious with the challengers rushing the ring and starting the fight. The champions were able to take back their control and began to beat on Bones relentlessly. There is no doubt why Shane and Thunder are champions, when they are together their skills compliment each other and assist them well. The two men are also athletes and they show their skills with a confident, sometimes overconfident, attitude. Drop kicks to knee drops the champions were able to keep Bones in the ring. A miscued leap from the top rope by Shane allowed Bones to make the all needed tag on Patrick Smith. The two men then took back what was stolen by Shane and Thunder in their first matches, A win over the champions. Due to the win Bones and Smith were awarded a shot at the Titles next week.

Match 5- SPW Junior Heavyweight Champion Matt Taylor Vs Moe Stegall. I am familiar with Moe due to his appearances with PWE in Union City, Tn.  Matt Taylor was seen by me as a young man, a kid if you will. I was not expecting the type of skill he displayed against Moe. Matt proved to be more than a "Kid". I truly enjoyed this match, watching the two take risky moves and high flying to the next level. The two are not only high flyers and risk takers, both had an obvious knowledge on mat skills as well. The match was not one sided. It flipped and flopped, if you will, back and forth between Champion and challenger. I had expected a quick decision, but Matt Taylor Kept Moe at bay, no matter how hard Moe tried to put Matt down. Moe delivered an amazing elbow drop from the top rope and then completed a well executed Belly To Back Suplex. The referee counted 1..2.. and Matt's shoulder shot up at the last possible moment stopping the count. Moe tried to accomplish another belly to back , but Matt Broke free and was able to cradle Moe into a ball for the win...

If you are within driving distance of Selmer on a Saturday night, I would recommend you stopping in at SPW Wrestling. It was a wonderful Event. You can find their times and locations on their SPW FaceBook page. https://www.facebook.com/southernprowrestling.spw?fref=ts

I want to say a big thank you to the SPW for the invitation to the event. I will gladly come back and cover your event again. Please enjoy the pictures.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center.