UCW Union City, Tn. Saturday Night Oct 19th at 8pm

Well folks, Saturday Night is fast approaching and so is some of the hardest hitting action in the Mid-South. It will all happen at UCW " Battle Zone" at 8pm. The night is packed with all of your Favorite UCW Stars.

For all of you who may have missed any of the Saturday Night action lately, Please allow me to catch you up on a few things that have taken place.

We'll start with Red, he has, unfortunately, had a change of heart towards the fans. He is now being managed by the nefarious, Jay Moore " The Voice Of UCW" as he likes to describe himself. ( Since this is a family oriented site I will not print what others have said about him. Sorry Jay... ) Red everyone has asked why? I will have to delve into this matter further and when I can get the answer I will be sure to post it for you, the fans.

Speaking of Jay Moore. He has been involved in some of the most, for a better word, dastardly, incidents in the recent months in UCW. He is rude, self absorbed, over bearing and the worst of all his traits, he is DANGEROUS! You never know what Jay Moore will do. We all know what he is capable of, but where and when he will do it is the question. Just last week he beat Commissioner Lloyd Moore with a baseball bat, injuring Lloyd's ribs. I am not saying Lloyd is not tough, but he is an older gentleman and to be treated in this manner could have caused serious, if not permanent damage. What will Jay Moore have in store for the UCW, and commissioner Lloyd Moore???

Sarge... A fan Favorite??? I know I have been out of synch with UCW lately, but I have been surprised by this as much as anyone.  Sarge has been in this sport for years, probably longer than I have been driving and I am passed middle age. He is a veteran of many ring wars and now he is living life care free. God bless him, he has just begun to shine, from what I have been told. I am looking forward to see what Sarge will be up to. With him, I am sure it will be entertaining to say the least.

There has been a heated feud between Chris Rocker, with Jay Moore and "Mr. Everything" Anton Levigh.  I know both of these men and their wrestling ability. Chris Rocker is a man with a few dark secrets and he is known to bend, stretch, ok I will call it what it is, CHEAT, when he needs an advantage. Anton Leveigh, I can not say enough on this man's ability. He is a technical wrestler with High Flying skills, and is a pleasure to watch in the ring. The two have the same technical ability, but will Chris Rocker resort to old "tricks" as it were, to gain a victory. Let's not forget the not so hidden advantage that Chris Rocker has, Jay Moore. Mr Moore is known for his tactics to get what he wants. He will surely be on Anton's mind when they meet. But this meeting will not happen this Saturday as the two are scheduled to be involved in what is being called "Pick Your Poison". The stipulations of this are, the opponents are given the right to pick the other's opponent for the night. It can be anyone from the current UCW roster or someone from the person's past. We will have to wait and see what happens Saturday night Oct 19.

"3G" Eric Wayne.... This man has been running rough shod over the UCW for several weeks now. Why has he been allowed to have his way??? Why has UCW management have let him continue his rampage? Is he good for business? Is he good for the company? Is he good for anyone in the UCW locker room or anywhere else? I will let you the fans be the judge. "3G" is teaming with Bishop, for those in the know, he is a formidable opponent for anyone and "3g" is going to put him to the test when they face "Super Brown" and Houston. "3g" has been preaching about the style, the work ethic, the honor in the sport of professional wrestling. He has preached that there are those that are mocking tradition in how they wrestle and what they wrestle in. The quality of a man is not held in their clothing "3G", it is held in their hearts. And this week you are meeting two men with a lot of heart. It will definitely be a night you will not want to miss.

I would like to invite you to the UCW "Battle Zone" Saturday Oct 19th. The doors open at 6:30pm and the bell rings at 8:00pm. Come out and be witness to what is gearing up to be a great event for any wrestling fan.

Derrick O'Dell
Wrestling News Center